Our First Language is Energy

My first language is energy ️ #energy #frequency #vibration #thinking #imagination #word #feeling #words #feelings | Instagram

Took me a while to find it but the show is called Beyond Belief with George Noory.  We are all energy. God is ..His spirit is. With God the HS gives us discernment. I believe it is all energy ..different forms of energy. He’s interviewing Blu and her eyes are so genuine ♡  shines through her 💫 Love the message but does anyone else see how large her pupils are?  I really do believe in feeling energy…Intuition and energy are way stronger than words. 100%  S20 E14 – Gene Keys, Ayahuasca, & Earth Healing – YouTube

I want to know her and the episode is called Gene Keys, Ayahuasca, & Earth Healing. Can we talk about how cool her hair is??

Einstein never said that / this is the first law of thermodynamics/ has nothing to do with intuition – which is on our gut – the second Brain of sorts – and it’s due to the neuro chemicals that are made in the gut / but yes how someone speaks and how they present something – you can sense it – versus feeling,

This is explained amazingly ✨

Intuition transcends mind, intellect, and the senses. Intuition is our faculty closest to Being. It’s the fine feeling level and it is not influenced by anything on the outside, but comes from our depth, from Source. Divine guidance perceived from within. So what does it mean when I’m in the company of certain people and my stomach gets so upset I feel nausea?

Search Images (bing.com)

Gene Keys, Ayahuasca, & Earth Healing / The Health Cure

This is the full Noorey Episode of Blu (Took me a little time to find it.) 

Gene Keys, Ayahuasca, & Earth Healing / The Health Cure

Gene Keys, Ayahuasca, & Earth Healing / The Health Cure


Gene Keys, Ayahuasca, & Earth Healing / The Health Cure

😊 That can mean different things to different people depending

on your point of attraction 👌🏿 💯  😂😂😂 

some people do give me the shits! 💩💨

In challenging times, how can we attune and ground ourselves to the healing energy of Earth? As a speaker and mystery school teacher, Blu shares the story of her awakening journey transforming her profound hearing loss into her greatest gift.

By directing her energy inward through the use of the Gene Keys modality, Blu discovered her extrasensory perceptions to read the energy of others, and now guides women to understand their intuitive gifts to balance the planet’s masculine and feminine energies. She discusses her experiences with the psychedelic Ayahuasca, and the songs of the Shipibo people that help to activate the plant medicine’s power to clear energetic fields and understand our potential for beauty, love, and unity.

In challenging times, how can we attune and ground ourselves to the healing energy of Earth? As a speaker and mystery school teacher, Blu shares the story of her awakening journey transforming her profound hearing loss into her greatest gift. Blu is the founder of Florescence, a modern mystery school for women, and hosts the  The Deja Blu Podcast – YouTube

Humanity’s Future in a Changing World – with Richard Rudd & Zach Bush | Deja Blu EP 110 (youtube.com)

Gene Keys, Ayahuasca, & Earth Healing with Blu – Gaia Consciousness (getpodcast.com)

S20 E14 – Gene Keys, Ayahuasca, & Earth Healing – Search Videos (bing.com)


How Does a Volcano Explode? | Watch (msn.com)

At some point in the conversation you feel a feeling of unease building up in your gut. 

For me, this feeling can be compared to an impending volcanic eruption...

Do you know that feeling when you are sitting at a table and have a conversation that is based, for example, on the exchange of worldviews and their diversities.

This feeling usually appears when I feel I have an oversized perception of things. Which can be incomprehensible to an ordinary thinking person. For me, normal people are just an illusion, since the unconscious person is thoughtless in their responses. IMO below conscious human behavior. 

I think and feel that when people sit together in a small room, so many energies collide that it can often lead to enormous energetic charges and discharges on the invisible levels. These violent energy levels/ emotional attacks can cause tremendous psychological damages to a person that doesn’t carry a protective shield. The first chore is always the last chore. Clear those chambers in your brain of the dustiest memories. If your world of thoughts are renewed, that spave in your conscious seeing in the material dimension will also reveal itself.

The spirit is always awake and wants to be fed, because it is woven into its primal desire to collect all kinds of information for the source being all knowing.

Over the years in which the conscious person collects this spiritual nourishment, they will build a mental funnel that is able to pass on only the most important essences of that information to the almighty creative spirit. Because as the word information implies, should be used to inform as something is brought into shape through these words

Why do people say that you are paranoid because you have a more accurate perception of your environment when they do not. Are you aware that when you create a sphere of calm and your mental power is so strengthened, that you can change your sphere of influence simply by fixating on a being or an object, with your thoughts and your eyes, therefore, control and move it.

Something is created from an idea, and the higher vibration levels only good ideas that are essential for the future are nourished with creative energy if the idea comes from a pure heart. This type of sorting out of negative vibration pushes our state of mind to its limits, because it is extremely exhausting to absorb information: to filter it and at the same time be able to keep pure thoughts while living a normal everyday life for an empath. 

It often makes the body very tired and often puts it into a short sleep and in these short sleeps we often communicate on higher levels with a higher spirit and communicate what was experienced. When a person sits on their knees with their arms bent to pray, to me, from another perspective, it looks like someone is sleeping in a fetal position. When people assume a fetal position, it is for physical or psychological protection. It can indicate a desire to escape or to be cared for when one feels helpless. 

As such, adopting a fetal position during prayer symbolizes our willingness to become like children before the Lord, submitting to Him and crying out for His protection. Praying in this position also requires physical effort if you are saying them out loud and thus can serve as an act of penance. Fetal prayer is especially appropriate for the Advent season, in which we celebrate the Immaculate Conception and birth of Christ and await His return. Every time we pray, confess, or do penance, our faith is reborn. Every trial we endure, we endure because of our belief in the world to come.

Every mental and psychic impulse of will, feeling or consciousness of any kind creates an impression in the extremely sensitive, subtle Devachan matter and retains it. This is a similar (only much more subtle) process to that we know from our records, radio and other sound and light wave recordings, where the waves emitted are engraved in a receptive mass. which later can then later be reproduced, made visible and audible.

IN THIS way, everything that has ever happened, is happening or will happen on our planet is recorded in the devachan matter and retained for all eternity.  The great sages and Spiritual leaders of the human race are able to gain insight into this chronicle of our planet at any time. This is called the Akashic Chronicle.

The Akashic Chronicle – the memory of the universe

It is also called “the book of life”. It is not a book to pick up but a knowledge plan of the past, present and future and the key to healing. All events, experiences and insights are recorded, documented and stored here. It is the memory of the universe. Everything that exists, every human, every flower possesses the Akasha energy. It is the vibratory field of love. The Akashic Chronicle is where everything is stored; what you experienced from your past and also from a previous life.

It contains all the information you need to answer your questions about your topics. It helps to solve the blockages. Every feeling, every action and every thought is written down here. It’s like a cosmic hard drive that you can retrieve when needed. In it you will find your potential and your spiritual origin.

The Akashic Chronicle – your Akashic Record

It is also your birthright to read in your Akashic Record. Void your life on your feelings. Everything you have experienced so far has left its mark on this chronicle and will help you to resolve blockages, fears and insecurities.

You too can find access to your Akashic Chronicle. 

From meditation to deep relaxation and the path of love to yourself, it will be opened to you.

Once you have access, you will get answers to your questions. Never let stress from the past block you, other people hurt you, but learn to walk the path of self-love, the love of your heart. You set your own limits. Your inner voice gives you the answers to your questions. Learn to trust your soul and walk the path of self-love. You are learning more and more who you were and what you are. You learn to see your own value. Follow your intuition, remain true to yourself, and always let negative things from the past dissolve in love.

 ~Giorgia Boschetto


Don’t believe us?  There’s so much more to being highly intelligent than being book smart. It’s not just the academics; highly intelligent people are all around us, and there are certain ways you can spot them. 

Check out the following 20 things highly intelligent people do that others don’t.


Manage their time

Time is a precious resource, and smart people will always manage it effectively. They’ll plan jam-packed schedules with a fine-toothed comb and always ensure they can attend to the important stuff. Generally they multi-task and they’re always spot on when it comes to time.

Adapt to change

They say that the only thing constant in life is change.

While many people reject and avoid change, highly intelligent people embrace it. 

They can easily adapt to anything life throws at them and have a head on their shoulders that can resolve any problem.

Ask questions

One thing highly intelligent people do is ask a lot of questions. Rather than simply receiving information, they absorb it by querying it and sourcing further information. The more clarity and understanding they gain, the more the information is retained.

Express emotions

According to Verywell Mind, emotional intelligence is more important than having a high IQ. Being able to express your emotions and empathize with other people helps you to tackle life and engage with the world. Highly intelligent people are very assertive when it comes to their vulnerabilities, ensuring they express themselves clearly.

Learn from mistakes

It’s human nature to make mistakes, but so many people continue to repeat them or pass the blame. Intelligent people know that mistakes are just a part of life, and they are willing to make them because they know the experience will enhance their development.

Voice their opinion

Highly intelligent people don’t shy away from voicing their opinions. It may not always be the most popular voice in the room, but they enjoy providing a different perspective on a situation. They love the conversation that flows from sharing opinions and will always be ready to offer an alternative point of view.

Are honest about their limits

Intelligent people are aware of their weaknesses as much as their strengths. They’ll never claim they can do it all and have no issue seeking out help in their weaker areas. They can delegate and ask for advice when it is required, never pretending they can take on something they’ll struggle with.

Take time to reflect

If something is important, a highly intelligent person will always take time to reflect on it. A crucial decision will never be made without considerable thought, and tricky situations will be thoroughly processed in solitude. Inc.com says that most intelligent people like spending time alone, giving them more time for reflection.

Seek knowledge

Highly intelligent people stay smart because they are thirsty for knowledge. They are avid readers, love documentaries, and always interact with experts in the room. They also have many interests and will soak up information at every opportunity they’re given.


Set clear goals

Intelligence and ambition are extremely intertwined. Intelligent people have a lot of drive, so they will set clear goals that they will strive to achieve. 

Progress is monitored on milestones, and ultimately, they will accomplish these goals, but the way in which goals are set is highly subjective.

Get their priorities straight

It’s extremely difficult to do everything well, and smart people know this. They value the importance of prioritizing to ensure that the essential things get attention first. They are aware of their time constraints and will not let the most crucial balls drop in favor of something less important.

Stay clear of small talk

When you’re intelligent, small talk can be a chore. Deep, thought-provoking conversation is truly valued, and basic niceties can be a little draining. 

This often comes across as socially awkward, but it is simply a lust for deep connections over polite pleasantries.

Keep an open-mind

Believe it or not, open-minded people are often very intelligent. Business Insider claims they don’t close themselves off to new ideas or opportunities, as they are always looking for fresh solutions. New ideas are thought-provoking, and intelligent people are receptive to different outcomes and alternative perspectives.

Debate rather than argue

When opinions differ, intelligent people will engage in a civil debate rather than an aggressive argument. Although they want to express their point of view, 

They also understand that they’re not always right and enjoy hearing another perspective. Intelligent people thrive on healthy debate–not arguments.

They’re observant

Highly intelligent people don’t always need to be heard. In many social situations, they will simply sit back and observe. They notice the small intricacies and nuances that other people would turn a blind eye to, which helps them learn a lot about other people and situations.


Solve problems  

There’s no problem that cannot be solved when you’re extremely intelligent. They can always reorder the puzzle pieces to make it fit in an alternative way, and ultimately, the challenge is welcomed. They thrive on the rewarding feeling of success when a problem has been effectively rectified.

Keep promises

Smart people never make empty promises. Not only do they empathize with how other people may feel when promises are broken, but they also value their own integrity and will stay true to their word. An intelligent individual will never make a promise they can’t keep.

Have a creative hobby

When the creative juices are flowing, they benefit the mind. Most intelligent people have some form of creative hobby that keeps the cogs turning, which then seeps into other areas of life. The Association for Psychological Science even found that creative hobbies are linked with greater job performance!

Stand up for their beliefs

Finally, highly intelligent people tend to have firm beliefs that they will always stand by, unlike other people. Even if their beliefs are not the most popular,

 they will always be true to themselves. They have thoroughly considered them and not just taken someone’s word for it to arrive at this belief.  

Don’t Buy into Materialism – Search (bing.com)

If you feel obliged to buy things rather than pleasure in doing so, this might be the right time to re-evaluate your priorities and take action to change your current behavior. Below are a few tips that may help you step out of the seemingly endless loop of materialism and a more grounded, grateful, and simplified lifestyle. 

How To Be Less Materialistic: 9 Tips That Actually Work! (aconsciousrethink.com)

Is The Universe Simply The Human Brain Enlarged? | Watch (msn.com)

19 Things Highly Intelligent People Do That Others Don’t (msn.com)

How To Train Your Brain To Let Go Of Negativity (msn.com)

What If the Universe Is Conscious? | Watch (msn.com) 

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Why is their Controversy

Kansas City Chiefs’ placekicker Harrison Butker speaks to college graduates in his commencement address at Benedictine College on May 11. (photo: Benedictine College)

Register Staff

 Nation May 16, 2024

Harrison Butker | Commencement Address 2024 | Benedictine College (youtube.com)

Editor’s Note: Harrison Butker, 28, the placekicker for the Kansas City Chiefs of the National Football League, delivered the commencement address at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas, on Saturday, May 11, 2024. A transcript of his remarks is below.    

Ladies and gentlemen of the Class of 2024:  I would like to start off by congratulating all of you for successfully making it to this achievement today. I’m sure your high school graduation was not what you had imagined, and most likely, neither was your first couple years of college.

By making it to this moment through all the adversity thrown your way from COVID, I hope you learned the important lessons that suffering in this life is only temporary. As a group, you witnessed firsthand how bad leaders who don’t stay in their lane can have a negative impact on society. It is through this lens that I want to take stock of how we got to where we are, and where we want to go as citizens and, yes, as Catholics. One last thing before I begin, I want to be sure to thank President Minnis and the board for their invitation to speak.

When President Minnis first reached out a couple of months ago, I had originally said No. You see, last year I gave the commencement address at my alma mater, Georgia Tech, and I felt that one graduation speech was more than enough, especially for someone who isn’t a professional speaker. But of course, President Minnis used his gift of persuasion. [Laughter] It spoke to the many challenges you all faced throughout the COVID fiasco ,and how you missed out on so many milestones the rest of us older people have taken for granted. While COVID might have played a large role throughout your formative years, it is not unique. Bad policies and poor leadership have negatively impacted major life issues. Things like abortion, IVF, surrogacy, euthanasia, as well as a growing support for degenerate cultural values in media, all stem from the pervasiveness of disorder.

Our own nation is led by a man who publicly and proudly proclaims his Catholic faith, but at the same time is delusional enough to make the Sign of the Cross during a pro- abortion rally. He has been so vocal in his support for the murder of innocent babies that I’m sure to many people it appears that you can be both Catholic and pro-choice.

He is not alone. From the man behind the COVID lockdowns to the people pushing dangerous gender ideologies onto the youth of America, they all have a glaring thing in common. They are Catholic. This is an important reminder that being Catholic alone doesn’t cut it.

These are the sorts of things we are told in polite society to not bring up. You know, the difficult and unpleasant things. But if we are going to be men and women for this time in history, we need to stop pretending that the “Church of Nice” is a winning proposition. We must always speak and act in charity, but never mistake charity for cowardice.

It is safe to say that over the past few years, I have gained quite the reputation for speaking my mind. I never envisioned myself, nor wanted, to have this sort of a platform, but God has given it to me, so I have no other choice but to embrace it and preach more hard truths about accepting your lane and staying in it.

As members of the Church founded by Jesus Christ, it is our duty and ultimately privilege to be authentically and unapologetically Catholic. Don’t be mistaken, even within the Church, people in polite Catholic circles will try to persuade you to remain silent. There even was an award-winning film called Silence, made by a fellow Catholic, wherein one of the main characters, a Jesuit priest, abandoned the Church, and as an apostate when he died is seen grasping a crucifix, quiet and unknown to anyone but God. As a friend of Benedictine College, His Excellency Bishop Robert Barron, said in his review of the film, it was exactly what the cultural elite want to see in Christianity — private, hidden away, and harmless.

Our Catholic faith has always been countercultural. Our Lord, along with countless followers, were all put to death for their adherence to her teachings. The world around us says that we should keep our beliefs to ourselves whenever they go against the tyranny of diversity, equity, and inclusion. We fear speaking truth, because now, unfortunately, truth is in the minority. Congress just passed a bill where stating something as basic as the biblical teaching of who killed Jesus could land you in jail.

But make no mistake, before we even attempt to fix any of the issues plaguing society, we must first get our own house in order, and it starts with our leaders. The bishops and priests appointed by God as our spiritual fathers must be rightly ordered. There is not enough time today for me to list all the stories of priests and bishops misleading their flocks, but none of us can blame ignorance anymore and just blindly proclaim that “That’s what Father said.” Because sadly, many priests we are looking to for leadership are the same ones who prioritize their hobbies or even photos with their dogs and matching outfits for the parish directory.

It’s easy for us laymen and women to think that in order for us to be holy, that we must be active in our parish and try to fix it. Yes, we absolutely should be involved in supporting our parishes, but we cannot be the source for our parish priests to lean on to help with their problems. Just as we look at the relationship between a father and his son, so too should we look at the relationship between a priest and his people. It would not be appropriate for me to always be looking to my son for help when it is my job as his father to lead him.

St. Josemaría Escrivá states that priests are ordained to serve, and should not yield to temptation to imitate laypeople, but to be priests through and through. Tragically, so many priests revolve much of their happiness from the adulation they receive from their parishioners, and in searching for this, they let their guard down and become overly familiar. This undue familiarity will prove to be problematic every time, because as my teammate’s girlfriend says, familiarity breeds contempt. [Laughter]

Saint Josemaría continues that some want to see the priest as just another man. That is not so. They want to find in the priest those virtues proper to every Christian, and indeed every honorable man:  understanding, justice, a life of work — priestly work, in this instance — and good manners. It is not prudent as the laity for us to consume ourselves in becoming amateur theologians so that we can decipher this or that theological teaching — unless, of course, you are a theology major.

We must be intentional with our focus on our state in life and our own vocation. And for most of us, that’s as married men and women. Still, we have so many great resources at our fingertips that it doesn’t take long to find traditional and timeless teachings that haven’t been ambiguously reworded for our times. Plus, there are still many good and holy priests, and it’s up to us to seek them out.

The chaos of the world is unfortunately reflected in the chaos in our parishes, and sadly, in our cathedrals too. As we saw during the pandemic, too many bishops were not leaders at all. They were motivated by fear, fear of being sued, fear of being removed, fear of being disliked. They showed by their actions, intentional or unintentional, that the sacraments don’t actually matter. Because of this, countless people died alone, without access to the sacraments, and it’s a tragedy we must never forget.

As Catholics, we can look to so many examples of heroic shepherds who gave their lives for their people, and ultimately, the Church. We cannot buy into the lie that the things we experienced during COVID were appropriate. Over the centuries, there have been great wars, great famines, and yes, even great diseases, all that came with a level of lethality and danger. But in each of those examples, Church leaders leaned into their vocations and ensured that their people received the sacraments.

Great saints like St. Damien of Molokai, who knew the dangers of his ministry, stayed for 11 years as a spiritual leader to the leper colonies of Hawaii. His heroism is looked at today as something set apart and unique, when ideally it should not be unique at all. For as a father loves his child, so a shepherd should love his spiritual children, too.

That goes even more so for our bishops, these men who are present-day apostles. Our bishops once had adoring crowds of people kissing their rings and taking in their every word, but now relegate themselves to a position of inconsequential existence. Now, when a bishop of a diocese or the bishop’s conference as a whole puts out an important document on this matter or that, nobody even takes a moment to read it, let alone follow it.

No. Today, our shepherds are far more concerned with keeping the doors open to the chancery than they are with saying the difficult stuff out loud. It seems that the only time you hear from your bishops is when it’s time for the annual appeal, whereas we need our bishops to be vocal about the teachings of the Church, setting aside their own personal comfort and embracing their cross. Our bishops are not politicians but shepherds, so instead of fitting in the world by going along to get along, they too need to stay in their lane and lead.

I say all of this not from a place of anger, as we get the leaders we deserve. But this does make me reflect on staying in my lane and focusing on my own vocation and how I can be a better father and husband and live in the world but not be of it. Focusing on my vocation while praying and fasting for these men will do more for the Church than me complaining about her leaders.

Because there seems to be so much confusion coming from our leaders, there needs to be concrete examples for people to look to in places like Benedictine, a little Kansas college built high on a bluff above the Missouri River, are showing the world how an ordered, Christ-centered existence is the recipe for success. You need to look no further than the examples all around this campus, where over the past 20 years, enrollment has doubled, construction and revitalization are a constant part of life, and people, the students, the faculty and staff, are thriving. This didn’t happen by chance. In a deliberate movement to embrace traditional Catholic values, Benedictine has gone from just another liberal arts school with nothing to set it apart to a thriving beacon of light and a reminder to us all that when you embrace tradition, success — worldly and spiritual — will follow.

I am certain the reporters at the AP could not have imagined that their attempt to rebuke and embarrass places and people like those here at Benedictine wouldn’t be met with anger, but instead met with excitement and pride. Not the deadly sin sort of pride that has an entire month dedicated to it, but the true God-centered pride that is cooperating with the Holy Ghost to glorify him. Reading that article now shared all over the world, we see that in the complete surrender of self and a turning towards Christ, you will find happiness. Right here in a little town in Kansas, we find many inspiring laypeople using their talents.

President Minnis, Dr. [Andrew] Swafford, and Dr. [Jared] Zimmerer are a few great examples right here on this very campus that will keep the light of Christ burning bright for generations to come. Being locked in with your vocation and staying in your lane is going to be the surest way for you to find true happiness and peace in this life.

It is essential that we focus on our own state in life, whether that be as a layperson, a priest, or religious. Ladies and gentlemen of the class of 2024, you are sitting at the edge of the rest of your lives. Each of you has the potential to leave a legacy that transcends yourselves and this era of human existence. In small ways, by living out your vocation, you will ensure that God’s Church continues and the world is enlightened by your example.

For the ladies present today, congratulations on an amazing accomplishment. You should be proud of all that you have achieved to this point in your young lives. I want to speak directly to you briefly because I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you. How many of you are sitting here now about to cross this stage and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you are going to get in your career? Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world.

I can tell you that my beautiful wife, Isabelle, would be the first to say that her life truly started when she began living her vocation as a wife and as a mother. I’m on the stage today and able to be the man I am because I have a wife who leans into her vocation. I’m beyond blessed with the many talents God has given me, but it cannot be overstated that all of my success is made possible because a girl I met in band class back in middle school would convert to the faith, become my wife, and embrace one of the most important titles of all: homemaker.

[Applause lasting 18 seconds]

She is a primary educator to our children. She is the one who ensures I never let football or my business become a distraction from that of a husband and father. She is the person that knows me best at my core, and it is through our marriage that, Lord willing, we will both attain salvation.

I say all of this to you because I have seen firsthand how much happier someone can be when they disregard the outside noise and move closer and closer to God’s will in their life. Isabelle’s dream of having a career might not have come true, but if you asked her today if she has any regrets on her decision, she would laugh out loud, without hesitation, and say, “Heck, No.”

As a man who gets a lot of praise and has been given a platform to speak to audiences like this one today, I pray that I always use my voice for God and not for myself. Everything I am saying to you is not from a place of wisdom, but rather a place of experience. I am hopeful that these words will be seen as those from a man, not much older than you, who feels it is imperative that this class, this generation, and this time in our society must stop pretending that the things we see around us are normal.

Heterodox ideas abound even within Catholic circles. But let’s be honest, there is nothing good about playing God with having children — whether that be your ideal number or the perfect time to conceive. No matter how you spin it, there is nothing natural about Catholic birth control.

It is only in the past few years that I have grown encouraged to speak more boldly and directly because, as I mentioned earlier, I have leaned into my vocation as a husband and father, and as a man.

To the gentlemen here today: Part of what plagues our society is this lie that has been told to you that men are not necessary in the home or in our communities. As men, we set the tone of the culture, and when that is absent, disorder, dysfunction, and chaos set in. This absence of men in the home is what plays a large role in the violence we see all around the nation. Other countries do not have nearly the same absentee father rates as we find here in the U.S., and a correlation could be made in their drastically lower violence rates, as well.

Be unapologetic in your masculinity, fighting against the cultural emasculation of men. Do hard things. Never settle for what is easy. You might have a talent that you don’t necessarily enjoy, but if it glorifies God, maybe you should lean into that over something that you might think suits you better. I speak from experience as an introvert who now finds myself as an amateur public speaker and an entrepreneur, something I never thought I’d be when I received my industrial engineering degree.

The road ahead is bright. Things are changing. Society is shifting. And people, young and old, are embracing tradition. Not only has it been my vocation that has helped me and those closest to me, but not surprising to many of you, should be my outspoken embrace of the traditional Latin Mass. I’ve been very vocal in my love and devotion to the TLM and its necessity for our lives.

But what I think gets misunderstood is that people who attend the TLM do so out of pride or preference. I can speak to my own experience, but for most people I have come across within these communities this simply is not true. I do not attend the TLM because I think I am better than others, or for the smells and bells, or even for the love of Latin. I attend the TLM because I believe, just as the God of the Old Testament was pretty particular in how he wanted to be worshipped, the same holds true for us today.

It is through the TLM that I encountered order and began to pursue it in my own life. Aside from the TLM itself, too many of our sacred traditions have been relegated to things of the past, when in my parish, things such as ember days, days when we fast and pray for vocations and for our priests, are still adhered to. The TLM is so essential that I would challenge each of you to pick a place to move where it is readily available.

A lot of people have complaints about the parish or the community, but we should not sacrifice the Mass for the community. I prioritize the TLM even if the parish isn’t beautiful, the priest isn’t great, or the community isn’t amazing. I still go to the TLM because I believe the holy sacrifice of the Mass is more important than anything else. I say this knowing full well that when each of you rekindle your knowledge and adherence to many of the church’s greatest traditions, you will see how much more colorful and alive your life can and should be.

As you move on from this place and enter into the world, know that you will face many challenges. Sadly, I’m sure many of you know of the countless stories of good and active members of this community who, after graduation and moving away from the Benedictine bubble, have ended up moving in with their boyfriend or girlfriend prior to marriage. Some even leave the Church and abandon God. It is always heartbreaking to hear these stories, and there is a desire to know what happened and what went wrong.

What you must remember is that life is about doing the small things well, setting yourself up for success, and surrounding yourself with people who continually push you to be the best version of you. I say this all the time, that iron sharpens iron. It’s a great reminder that those closest to us should be making us better. If you are dating someone who doesn’t even share your faith, how do you expect that person to help you become a saint? If your friend group is filled with people who only think about what you’re doing next weekend and are not willing to have those difficult conversations, how can they help sharpen you?

As you prepare to enter into the workforce, it is extremely important that you actually think about the places you are moving to. Who is the bishop? What kind of parishes are there? Do they offer the TLM and have priests who embrace their priestly vocation? Cost of living must not be the only arbiter of your choices, for a life without God is not a life at all, and the cost of salvation is worth more than any career.

I’m excited for the future, and I pray that something I have said will resonate as you move on to the next chapter of your life.

Never be afraid to profess the one holy, Catholic, and apostolic Church, for this is the Church that Jesus Christ established, through which we receive sanctifying grace.

I know that my message today had a little less fluff than is expected for these speeches, but I believe that this audience and this venue is the best place to speak openly and honestly about who we are and where we all want to go, which is Heaven.

I thank God for Benedictine College and for the example it provides the world. I thank God for men like President Minnis, who are doing their part for the Kingdom. Come to find out you can have an authentically Catholic college and a thriving football program.

[Laughter and applause]

Benedictine College grad describes crowd reaction to Harrison Butker speech: ‘Some of us did boo’ (msn.com)

Make no mistake: You are entering into mission territory in a post-God world, but you were made for this. And with God by your side and a constant striving for virtue within your vocation, you too can be a saint. 

Christ is King.

To the Heights.

Harrison Butker Full Interview – God and Sport! (youtube.com)

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The Four Seasons Diet

Seasonal Eating: How To Eat Foods In Season By Month – In On Around

Enjoying A Four Seasons Diet

August 10, 2015

Dave Palmer

Is the owner and operator of Florida Farmers Market & Cafe in Paxton, FL. As a volunteer he serves as a guest educator for middle school agriculture students at Paxton School (K-12) teaching a hands-on approach to plant science as well as the business of growing and selling organic plants and produce. His focus is, no surprise, growing food and eating it!

I am working hard to change the way Americans eat fresh produce by promoting a return to the days of old. Well kinda… I call it a “Four Seasons Diet”, and it’s nothing crazy or fad-like. It’s simply eating foods when they are in season. Grow and Eat It! The group is working on expanding the variety and amount of foods we grow for ourselves, but even if you don’t grow produce yourself, anyone can eat this way. It’s the way everyone ate before markets were global and shipping food in from all over the place. 

This was before most of us were born, but think about it… If produce wasn’t in season, it simply wasn’t available back in the day. My suspicion is that, as a result, people were eating healthier back then because they were subconsciously listening to their bodies and eating the foods their bodies told them they needed.

I’ll explain why I’ve come to this conclusion. I was thinking about my garden (as I often do), and I thought about all of the foods that I love. Then I started looking for seeds for those fruits and veggies. I bought the ones I could find and planted them that summer only to fail miserably with most of them. What went wrong? 

Why wasn’t my lettuce doing great? 

I love summer salads, but they are always so expensive. It looks like I didn’t read the fine print: lettuce grows best in cool weather. Believe me, I tasted some that did grow, and boy was it bitter! Could it be that I have been spoiled by the year-round availability of produce at the market? Why have I not noticed this before? 

The answer was clear: I was a typical American with no clue that fruits and vegetables aren’t really year-round anywhere.

Now I give the grocery store credit. They take advantage of the fact that we can grow food in controlled environments now that simulate the real seasons. It’s very cool technology, but is it right for us to eat the same foods year-round just because we can? I don’t think so. What about nutrition? What about the sun’s involvement? Sure, you can get it to grow, but is it truly natural with the same vitamins and minerals you get from eating food grown in season? The answer is complex. In fact sometimes it doesn’t matter at all when or how some vegetables are grown, but sometimes it does, and most of us don’t know which ones matter and which ones don’t.

What’s the easiest way to ensure that you are getting what you pay for in quality and nutritional value? Buy food that’s in season, locally grown, or grow it yourself, and skip the shipped in (un-ripe) and forced to grow crops grown in simulated environments and/or far away places. Our bodies need a more varied diet than most of us give them. Get this: You hardly have to think about it all, because if it’s in season, you probably need it in your diet!

I’m not a doctor, and this is not medical advice. This is common sense! You probably knew this already subconsciously, and I’m just backing it up with some facts. Let’s look at an example to prove our theory to be correct, and pat ourselves on the back. We’ll take vitamin C on for our example.

We all know we need vitamin C for healthy immune systems and to maintain a scurvy-free life (if you are a pirate). What’s a great source of vitamin C? Oranges! What a delicious Summer fruit! NOPE! Oranges are harvested in Winter. Believe me… I live in Florida, and I run a farmers market. Beach goers stop all Summer long looking for Florida oranges in June and look at me like I have 3 heads when I tell them they will have to come back in December if they want them fresh off the tree. Okay, you get the point… You’ve known this all along.

So where will we get our vitamin C from in Spring when those super popular Florida oranges are out of season? How about peas, asparagus, or strawberries? Summer’s peppers are loaded with the C, and there are always raspberries, pineapples, kiwi, cantaloupes, and papayas to name a few. Fall gives us apples, cranberries, mustard and collard greens, beets, and spinach all loaded up with good old vitamin C. Shiver me timbers… It looks like pirates can avoid scurvy year-round if they eat right!

That’s exactly the point I am making here. No, I’m not talking about pirates anymore… I’m talking about all of us! The fruits and vegetables available in any given season can provide us with the vitamins and minerals that we need to survive. It’s not even hard to get them, and you can probably grow them yourself! 

Maybe you can’t grow pineapples and papayas in Michigan naturally, but you can grow strawberries and raspberries in the same season the other two are growing elsewhere. Wherever you may live, you will have a source of what you need nutritionally that can be grown locally to you. I told you it isn’t hard!

Have you ever bought an apple in say, May, and realized that you made a huge mistake? 

The texture and the taste are all wrong, but why? They had them on sale at the store, and they looked tasty! 

Maybe it was shipped halfway around the world to a distribution center, then kept in cold storage for a while, then trucked in to the store last week before you saw it on sale this week. After you take that mushy, pithy bite of nastiness it occurs to you why it was on sale. It’s not apple season… anywhere! You bought it, because your body told you it needed some vitamin C, and you know apples are a good source of the C. They just aren’t the source you should look to in May.

What you could have bought were the deliciously ripe strawberries grown on a farm just outside of town that were probably picked yesterday. They were right around the corner from those mushy apples you bought and contain the very same nutritional value your body was looking for, but they are locally grown and in season. So why didn’t you choose them? The answer is sad: You never once considered the season as a basis for your choice. You just remembered that apples were a vitamin C source, and they are, but they taste better in the Fall when they are in season (when strawberries taste like crap and/or have an awful texture because they are shipped in from another hemisphere and held at customs for days before they reach you.)

I’ve beaten vitamin C to a mushy pulp now, but you get the idea. There are always choices in the produce department that are better than others depending on the season it is. You can be choosy and still get the nutrition that you need by picking produce when it tastes best. Oh my gosh doesn’t that sound good? It is good! It’s good for your health and your taste buds all at the same time! Back in the old days it wasn’t quite as complicated.

Before global availability came into play, you didn’t have a choice. If it wasn’t in season, it wasn’t available. Now we need to be a little more educated about our purchase decisions to make the best ones for our diet. That’s one reason that we at Grow and Eat It! are working on growing more of our own food. If we can grow it, we can eat it! That helps a lot with the situation, but we all still shop at the grocery store too, so this concept applies to everyone. How do you do this Four Seasons Diet lifestyle change starting from scratch? There are only three principles to remember.

First, think about it… you know most of the information already, but if you have forgotten something you are just a quick Internet search away from the answers you seek. Make a list of all the produce items that you consume on a regular basis, then find out when they are in season. Sort the list by season, and BAM! there’s your grocery list.

Second, think about the nutritional values of each item on the list. You might want to look that up too… look it up, record it somehow, and you can refer back to it if you need to. It will help you balance your diet easily. If your seasonal produce list is deficient in a particular vitamin or mineral during a season, you will be too. It’s time to branch out and try new things! Search for a list of fruits and vegetables that are harvested during the season you need to balance, and look for what your body needs on the list.

Third and finally, enjoy your new diet! One of the worst parts of a fad diet is that it tends to get mundane. Fad diets are not tailored for long-term adoption. They are designed for quick results, so they can be pretty short-sighted. A Four Seasons Diet is a way of life. If you adopt this baby, it’s yours! Anyone can do this, and it works for everyone. It always has worked, and it always will. 

Why it works is very simple: It’s the way nature intended it to be!

So get out there and buy some produce that’s in season and delicious! 

When seasons change, change what you buy. You won’t find yourself tired of one particular thing, and what you eat will taste better. That in itself is a win, win situation!

If you want to go the extra mile, grow your own fruits and vegetables to cut your grocery bill down and enjoy the many benefits of gardening. The best benefit is that you get to Grow and Eat It! 

Most importantly, be healthy in body and mind with a balanced diet and a mindset to match. Welcome to the Four Seasons Diet!  

Dave Palmer is a farmers market/restaurant owner with a love for science, gardening, cooking, and eating well. He’s not the creator of the Four Seasons Diet (nature is), but he is the reviver of the concepts that you just read.

The Basics of Ritucharya: Ayurveda’s Secrets of Seasonal Eating | The Art of Living

In the US, Ritucharya is characterized by four seasons, unlike India where there are six seasons. The principal is the same; the Doshas go through a cycle of accumulating, aggravating and palliating in different seasons, and we have to balance them out with our lifestyle and diet. 

Vata season runs from autumn and early winter, mid-September right up to January. Kapha season takes place from February to May, and Pitta season is from June to mid-September. However, we always take our cues from nature: for instance, northern states like Maine, the winter is longer. 

We balance our diet through opposite qualities of doshas: for instance, in Pitta season.

The weather is characterized by hot, light, and sharp qualities, so we counter it with cool, heavy, and bland food, avoiding sour, spicy, salty, and pungent foods. In the US, spring is the best time for Panchakarma, which is different than in India, where Varsha Ritu, or monsoon season, is the best time. Fall is another good season for this cleanse.

As always, consult your personal physician before undertaking any new health regime, and always begin Ayurvedic practices under the care of an Ayurvedic expert. 

Based on inputs from Vaidya Trupti Joshi, an Ayurvedic Expert from India.

Paige Leigh Reist is a writer, editor, blogger, and writing instructor.

Paige Leigh Reist is a lifestyle writer and blogger known for her work on relationships, spirituality, identity, food, wellness, and travel. She runs the blog thewholesomehandbook.com and has contributed to various publications such as Dote Magazine, Dote Weddings, Bella Grace Magazine, Calgary Dog Life, Arc & Ember, YYC Girl Gang, and the Art of Living123. Her writing often explores the intersection of personal experience and broader spiritual and wellness topics, aiming to inspire and guide readers through her insights and stories 2.    Bonus:  Celebrating Your Life: Discovering Delight & Bliss in Routine Moments – The Wholesome Handbook

Learn more





How Does Winter Affect People Undergoing Cancer Treatment?

Cold Weather, Viruses and the Immune System

Published February 2023

Cold weather can be tough for many people, but for patients with cancer, it can present serious health concerns. Respiratory viruses like influenza and COVID-19 surge in colder temperatures, as respiratory droplets spread farther and last longer when it’s cold outside.

Cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy weaken the immune system, so patients undergoing these treatments should receive the appropriate vaccines for viruses that are more prevalent during the winter months.

Hypothermia (low body temperature) is also a concern for patients with cancer. Side effects of cancer treatment may include dehydration, anemia and fatigue, which can make patients more susceptible to hypothermia because they may lose heat faster than their bodies can produce heat.

Peripheral neuropathy is a side effect of some cancer treatments, and it can be particularly dangerous in winter. It causes numbness in the hands and feet, which puts patients at higher risk of frostbite because they can’t feel how cold their extremities are.

Walking with numb feet also increases the risk of falling, especially on icy surfaces.

And because some cancer medications can decrease bone density, a fall is more likely to cause a fracture.

Tips for Navigating Cancer Treatment in Winter

Dress for the weather. Wear a hat, scarf, gloves and warm coat when you’re outside in cold temperatures.

Wear sensible footwear and/or use a mobility aid, like a cane or walker, if you have to get around in icy conditions.

Wear a mask in crowded public places.

Talk to your care team about what vaccines you should have.

If you’re undergoing treatment for cancer in colder months, talk to your care team about how you can protect yourself against the additional risks winter may pose for your health.

– Raanan Y. Alter, MD, gynecologic oncologist, Northwestern Medicine Regional Medical Group


Chilly temperatures help cancers grow.

At low temperatures the human body has a hard time. As the cold sets in, blood vessels constrict to maintain heat and some body parts – like fingers and toes – begin to suffer. Metabolism ramps up to fight the cold and shivering sets in. As these conditions continue, everything becomes sluggish as the cells of your body do not work as well. The body enters a state of thermal stress and only the most vital systems, like the brain, are left switched on.

Now, in a paper just published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Elizabeth Repasky at Roswell Park Cancer Institute in the US and colleagues suggest that cold has yet another disadvantage – it changes the way cancer cells grow and spread, at least in mice. This raises interesting questions about cancer therapies and many cancer studies, which tend to use mice as animal models.

Repasky found that mice living in a relatively cold environment (around 22°C) had cancers that grew more quickly and aggressively than mice living at a nice thermally comfortable temperature (around 30°C). A cold environment boosted the growth of several different types of cancer, including breast, skin, colon, and pancreas.

It did not matter if mice had lived in the cold for a lifetime before they got cancer—a chilly exposure even after their cancer had become established still made their tumours grow more quickly. The body’s anti-cancer responses are mostly driven by the immune system’s T cells, which recognise and destroy tumor cells based on the altered proteins they produce.

Tumours often react to a T-cell attack by producing signals that trick the body into suppressing these immune cells. This battle continues until one side outpaces the other – a lot of anti-cancer treatments given in the clinic help to swing the balance in favour of the immune system.

Both the cold and the comfortable mice had the same numbers of potential cancer-fighting T cells when they were healthy. But the tumour-seeking T cells in the comfortable mice were quicker and better at burrowing into the tumour to attack it. They also secreted more cancer-fighting substances than the cells from cold mice.

In the tumours of cold mice, there were greater numbers of suppressive cells capable of shutting down normal immune responses. Cold temperatures, then, shifted the body’s response from fighting the tumour to accepting it.

Most animal research facilities follow the same housing guidelines, and thus keep mice at colder-than-comfortable temperatures. This could introduce a systemic bias to animal testing where studies are done in conditions that aren’t entirely relevant. For example, what if you were trying a therapy that boosted immune function but did it in mice whose immune function was naturally tamped down? You might see no effect, when it could still be a useful drug. In contrast, something that causes tumour DNA damage might not have the same problem.

Cancers are cold

When we feel cold, we engage in warming behaviours – turning the thermostat up a notch, or thriftily putting on an extra layer of clothes. Mice are exactly the same – if they feel cold, they move to a warmer spot. When healthy mice get to choose what temperature they want to hang out at, with options at 22, 28, 30, 34 or 38°C, they typically migrate into the comfortable 30°C room. Mice with tumours tend to choose the hottest 38°C room. Cancer patients also commonly report suffering deep chills, especially following treatment.

It’s possible that growing tumours may induce a cold stress that probably promotes their own survival. We do not know exactly how this works yet, but this research still has important implications for cancer patients and their treatments. Could administering cancer therapies in a sauna – like setting improve their tumour – fighting potential and slow cancer growth?

Such approaches have been tried in small trials for breast cancer, angiosarcoma and sarcoma. They show that increasing body temperature to a mild fever over the course of a few hours improves response rates to radiation therapy.

Without large-scale studies no firm conclusions can be drawn, but this evidence suggests that the benefits of heat therapy for cancer may have been overlooked. Perhaps it is time we paid heed to the words of the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates:

Those who cannot be cured by medicine can be cured by surgery.

Those who cannot be cured by surgery can be cured by heat.

Those who cannot be cured by heat are to be considered incurable.

How does low temperature affect the immune system and increase the risk of infections? – Search (bing.com)

Low body Temps immune system and cancer – Search (bing.com)

Copilot: Low body temperature can have various effects on the immune system and its ability to fight cancer. Generally, a normal body temperature is essential for the optimal functioning of the immune system.

Here’s a summary of the information I found:

Immune System Strength: For every degree below normal body temperature, one may lose approximately 25% of immune system strength 1. This can make it more difficult for the body to combat cancer.

Cancer Growth: Studies have shown that a cold environment can suppress the anti-tumor immune response, potentially encouraging cancer growth 2. In animal studies, cold temperatures were found to shift the body’s response from fighting the tumor to accepting it 3.

Fever and Cancer: While low body temperature can weaken the immune system, fevers, especially persistent low-grade fevers, can sometimes be a symptom of cancer4. Fevers related to cancer may not follow the same pattern as fevers caused by infections and can be associated with certain types of cancer like leukemia and lymphoma 4.

It’s important to note that these are general observations and can vary from person to person. If you have concerns about body temperature, immune system function, or cancer, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.5

Learn more:

1 drsircus.com

2 medicalnewstoday.com

3 theconversation.com

4 very wellhealth.com

5 health.clevelandclinic.org

Q. How does low temperature affect the immune system and increase the risk of infections? – Search (bing.com)

As a Therapist, Here Are 5 Habits That Could Be Making Your Anxiety Way Worse (msn.com)

As a Therapist, Here Are 5 Habits That Could Be Making Your Anxiety Way Worse (msn.com)

Cutting Carbs: How many calories do you actually need as per your age (msn.com)

Everyday Habits That Indicate an Above-Average Level of Intelligence (msn.com)

The top 10 superfoods for brain health, weight loss and more (msn.com)

83 Bible Verses About Life, Purpose and Perspective (msn.com)

83 Bible Verses About Life, Purpose and Perspective (msn.com)

12 Amazing Benefits of Eating Bananas Every Day (msn.com)


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Is The Universe a Hologram

Is the Universe a Hologram – Search (bing.com)

Copilot  The Universe May Be a Hologram, Meaning Our Entire Reality Could Be an Illusion (msn.com)

What If the Universe Is Conscious? | Watch (msn.com)

The concept of the universe being a hologram is a fascinating topic in theoretical physics, particularly related to the holographic principle. This principle suggests that the entire universe can be seen as a two-dimensional information structure “painted” on the cosmological horizon, such that the three dimensions we observe are only an effective description at macroscopic scales and low energies 1.

The idea was first proposed by physicist Juan Maldacena in 1997 and is known as the AdS/CFT correspondence. It posits that a universe with gravity can be described by a quantum field theory in fewer dimensions without gravity2. Essentially, this means that a higher-dimensional space can be mathematically equivalent to a lower-dimensional space. For example, a five-dimensional anti–de Sitter space (AdS) with gravity could be equivalent to a four-dimensional conformal field theory (CFT) without gravity 2.

Over the years, physicists have used this principle to explore and understand complex phenomena such as black holes and the early universe’s inflation period. While the exact nature of our universe is still a subject of research and debate, the holographic principle provides a powerful framework for understanding the fundamental aspects of space, time, and gravity 2 3.

It’s important to note that while these ideas are supported by mathematical theories and some evidence, they are still theoretical and not yet proven conclusively. The holographic principle is one of the many ways physicists are trying to reconcile quantum mechanics with Einstein’s theory of general relativity, aiming to achieve a more complete understanding of the universe’s workings 3.

Learn more

1 en.wikipedia.org  2 scientific american.com  3 scientific american.com  4 pbs.org  5 phys.org    

What is the meaning of the universe 42 🙌.

The number 42, as the “Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything,” is a famous concept from Douglas Adams’ science fiction series “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.” In the story, a supercomputer named Deep Thought is asked to find the meaning of life, and after much contemplation, it reveals that the answer is simply the number 42. However, the characters realize they don’t actually know what the original question was.

Outside of the fictional context, the number 42 has been embraced by popular culture as a symbol of life’s absurdity and the search for meaning. It’s often used humorously to suggest that the complexities of existence can have simple, yet unfathomable answers.

So, in essence, the meaning of the universe being 42 is a playful reminder that sometimes the questions we ask are more important than the answers we seek. 🌌

Explore the Meaning of life

The question of the meaning of life is one that has intrigued humans for centuries, and it’s a topic that has been explored through various lenses including philosophy, religion, science, and personal reflection. While there is no single, universally accepted answer, many suggest that the meaning of life can be found in the pursuit of happiness, the quest for knowledge, the fostering of relationships, and the creation of a legacy that outlives one’s physical existence.

Philosophically, some argue that life’s meaning is self-determined and arises from the goals and values we set for ourselves. Religiously, it may be interpreted as fulfilling a divine purpose or striving towards spiritual enlightenment. Scientifically, it could be seen as the continuation of our species and the exploration of the universe.

Ultimately, the meaning of life is a deeply personal concept that varies from person to person. It’s about finding what brings you joy, satisfaction, and a sense of accomplishment. It’s about making a positive impact on the lives of others and contributing to the greater good. In essence, it’s about creating a life that feels meaningful to you.

Here’s a reflective poem that encapsulates the search for life’s meaning:

In the vast expanse of time and space,

We ponder our role, our human race.

What purpose serves our fleeting span,

On this blue orb, this mortal clan?

Is it love that gives our journey worth,

Connections forged, from birth to birth?

Or knowledge sought, in endless quest,

To understand, to pass the test?

Perhaps it’s joy, in simple things,

The flutter of a sparrow’s wings.

The laughter shared with kindred souls,

The reaching out to distant goals.

For some, it’s faith, a higher call,

A guiding hand through rise and fall.

For others still, a chance to give,

To help, to heal, to let live.

The meaning’s ours to shape and mold,

In stories lived, in tales untold.

In every heart, a unique light,

A reason found, to fight the night.

So seek your truth, embrace your part,

In life’s grand play, in art’s pure heart.

For in the end, it’s love and lore,

That weave the threads of evermore.

Remember, the meaning of life is not a one-size-fits-all answer but a personal journey of discovery and fulfillment. What does life mean to you?

Is the Universe a Hologram – Search (bing.com)

The Radical Theory That Says That Life Creates The Universe (msn.com)

The Universe Is Nothing Without Us (msn.com)


How Stephen Hawking Transformed Humanity’s View of the Universe

Renowned physicist Stephen Hawking died peacefully March 14, 2018, at age 76 at his home in Cambridge, England. Hawking will be remembered by many as a cultural force — the brilliant thinker.

Who wrote “A Brief History of Time” and played himself on “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” “The Simpsons” and “The Big Bang Theory.” He published more than 10 popular books (including a series of children’s books, co-written with his daughter, Lucy) and was the subject of Stephen Hawking Documentary – Search Videos (bing.com) – more than 15 documentary films and biopics.

He once threw a party for time travelers (which nobody attended). He did it all while living with the incurable degenerative disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), which put him in a wheelchair for much of his life.  But beyond his inspirational biography and pop-culture bona fides:

Hawking will also be remembered as perhaps the most important physicist of the second half of the 20th century. Hawking’s work on black holes, quantum mechanics and the origins of the universe advanced the theories of previous thinkers like Albert Einstein and Werner Heisenberg, providing the most comprehensive explanation for the behavior of the cosmos to date. 

A Brief History 0f Time audiobook – Search Videos (bing.com)

A brief history in time Documentary – Search Videos (bing.com)

Hawking had a comprehensive vision of physics

“My goal is simple,” Hawking was quoted as saying in a 1989 biography. “It is a complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all.” Here, we recall some of Hawking’s biggest theories about life, the universe and everything. Hawking began sharing his vision of the universe in 1966 while studying physics at the University of Cambridge, when he turned in a doctoral thesis on the origin of the universe. 

Before the Big Bang

Stephen Hawking’s theory on the universe’s beginning and end (msn.com)

At the time, scientists understood the universe to be expanding, though they did not know why. Hawking proposed the first description of what we now know as the Big Bang: somewhere, at the earliest edges of time, the universe began as a single point of infinitely small, massively dense space-time — a “singularity,” as Hawking described it. From this single point, our entire expanding universe burst forth, bringing with it all the laws of time and physics we understand today, Hawking said.

“There is a singularity in our past, which constitutes, in some sense, a beginning to the universe,” Hawking eventually wrote in the preface of his first book, “The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time” (1973). Over the years following his graduation from the University of Cambridge, Hawking attempted to describe that universal starting point mathematically. By applying a complex model inspired by Einstein’s theory of general relativity, Hawking and his colleague Roger Penrose created the first of several singularity theorems, which described the cosmological conditions required for a singularity in space-time to exist. 

Escaping a black hole

Did Your Conscious Build the Universe – Search (bing.com)

Hawking had a fascination with the places where physics seemingly broke down. This included, famously, his study of black holes — stars that have collapsed into themselves, creating a vortex so gravitationally intense that not even light can escape them.  

While working at the Institute of Astronomy at the University of Cambridge, Hawking began studying black holes through the lens of thermodynamics. In 1973, he published (along with several colleagues) a paper detailing the four laws of black hole mechanics, describing the warped physics of the mysterious celestial bodies through a series of complex equations. Hawking continued studying black holes and, soon after, had the eureka moment for which he is best known. 

At the time, it was thought that nothing could escape the strong gravitational pull of black holes. 

In 1974, Hawking showed that, under certain conditions, black holes actually could create and emit subatomic particles, eventually dissolving and finally exploding in an intense burst of energy. In other words: Black holes were not completely black after all. This stream of energy radiated by black holes was later named Hawking radiation, after he described it in a 1974 paper titled “Black Hole Explosions?”  

A theory of everything

The discovery of Hawking radiation changed the way researchers understand the universe. By attempting to knit together the laws of gravity, thermodynamics, quantum mechanics and relativity, the study of black hole radiation also pointed to the existence of a so-called “theory of everything” — a single, unified theory of physics that described the behavior of the universe. 

“Black hole radiation raises serious puzzles we are still working very hard to understand,”  Sean Carroll, a theoretical physicist at the California Institute of Technology, told New Scientist. “It’s fair to say that Hawking radiation is the single biggest clue we have to the ultimate reconciliation of quantum mechanics and gravity, arguably the greatest challenge facing theoretical physics today.”  

Hawking continued publishing papers for the following four and a half decades, but became most famous in his later career as a science communicator. He has drawn attention lately for his concerns about humanity’s future in regards to artificial intelligence, his vocal opposition to wars and his insistence that leaders like U.S. President Donald Trump take the threats of climate change more seriously. A few weeks ago, he told celebrity physicist Neil deGrasse Tyson his theory about what happened before the Big Bang

Still, Hawking’s most lasting quotes may be about the importance of communication itself. “Mankind’s greatest achievements have come about by talking, and its greatest failures by not talking,” Hawking said. “It doesn’t have to be like this. Our greatest hopes could become reality in the future. With the technology at our disposal, the possibilities are unbounded. All we need to do is make sure we keep talking.”

Originally published on Live Science.

An extraordinary man

Stephen Hawking stood as a paramount figure among contemporary scientists, pivotal in crafting theories that unveil the mysteries of the cosmos while ardently advocating for the democratization of scientific knowledge. He suffered from a degenerative motor disease called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, which left him confined to a wheelchair and unable to speak naturally. For years, he used a speech synthesizer to communicate.

Hawking died in 2018 at the age of 76 from complications of the disease he was diagnosed with at age 22. But, the contribution of his theories will remain in science for many decades to come. To answer fundamental questions about the universe, Hawking used Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity as a basis. From this, Hawking concluded that the universe had a beginning in the past. The Hawking-Penrose singularity theorem states that the origin of space-time began with the Big Bang.

Hawkings theories remain

As the BBC reports, using Einstein’s theories and experiments carried out at the European Council for Nuclear Research, which can recreate the conditions of the early universe, it has been proven that at a certain point in the past, space-time disappears: this would be precisely the origin of everything!

Is The Universe Simply The Human Brain Enlarged? | Watch (msn.com)

One of Hawking’s key collaborators, Thomas Hertog, told the Brazilian newspaper “El Mundo” that the origin of the universe can be understood through science alone, without the need for a God. – Search Videos (bing.com)


To clarify the question, Hertog quoted physicist Georges Lemaitre:

 “Instead of invoking a creator as the cause of the Big Bang, Lemaitre left the mystery open. He said: ‘It is possible that in discovering the Big Bang we have found something that has no cause.'” Now the question is where it all ends. According to Hawking, the answer lies in black holes, a place where space-time disappears.

These areas of space are subject to gravitational forces so strong that nothing can escape them, not even light. It’s like the Big Bang in reverse. According to the Hartle-Hawking conjecture, scientists postulated that the universe was finite but had moving and unlimited boundaries. 


British mathematician Roger Penrose told the BBC: 

Sir Roger Penrose: The man who proved black holes weren’t ‘impossible’ (bbc.com)

“While other researchers struggled to describe a brief moment in the life of a molecule using quantum laws, Hawking (along with physicist James Hartle) showed that it was possible to capture the history of the entire universe in a single mathematical equation.”

The last theory that Hawking developed in collaboration with Hertog shortly before his death (2018) was influenced by biology. It proposed a universe in constant evolution, where the fundamental laws are not fixed but constantly changing.


Regarding the finiteness of the universe, Hertog told National Geographic:

 “In our [Hawkings and Hertog’s] theory, the universe evolves in time, emerging from a timeless state in the Big Bang.” By eliminating the concept of time in this extensive mathematical model, which is intended to explain the physical conditions during the formation of the universe, it becomes simpler. 

According to Hertog, it would be possible to prove or disprove the theory in a tangible future, reports National Geographic. 

Despite the complexity of the topics he explored, Hawking was genuinely concerned that his cosmology reach the general public. His book “A Brief History of Time” has sold more than 10 million copies, the BBC reports.

In an interview with the New York Times, he said, “I told my literary agent that I wanted my book on airport bookstalls.” For many, Hawking’s great genius was that he had a comprehensive overview of various areas of physics, such as cosmology, quantum physics and gravity.  [Stephen Hawking’s Most Intriguing Quotes on Humanity, Aliens and Women]   

20 Famous Quotes From the Brightest People in World History (msn.com)

10 Big Ideas on the Universe from Stephen Hawking (msn.com)

Veteran Biker youtube – Search (bing.com)

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The 21 Ultra-Processed Foods to Avoid

Veggies like onions, garlic, leeks, and asparagus are a good source of prebiotics to boost gut health. 

PeopleImages/Getty Images© Provided by INSIDER

Scientists have identified 5 of the healthiest foods for your gut — and some are probably already in your kitchen

Story by glandsverk@insider.com (Gabby Landsverk)

  • Prebiotics are a special type of plant fiber which supports healthy digestion and metabolism. 
  • Good sources of prebiotics include garlic, onions, leeks, and bran cereal, a new study suggests.
  • Our bodies can’t digest prebiotics, but they feed colonies of helpful bacteria known as the gut microbiome. 

You should be eating more prebiotic foods for better digestion, blood sugar control, and nutrient absorption, scientists say – and some of the best options may already be on your grocery list. 

Prebiotics are a special type of plant fiber: carbohydrates that our bodies can’t digest, but which feed colonies of beneficial bacteria that live in the gut. While overall dietary fiber is important for health, prebiotics are especially good at helping friendly gut microbes to thrive

Researchers from San José State University analyzed data on the nutrient content for more than 8,000 different foods to see which were the best sources of prebiotics. Their results were presented at the 2023 annual meeting of the American Society for Nutrition held July 22–25 in Boston.

They found that about a third of the foods they studied contained some prebiotics. Foods with the highest concentration of prebiotics are dandelion greens, Jerusalem artichokes (root veggies also known as sunchokes,) leeks, garlic, and onions, providing between 100-240 milligrams of prebiotics per gram of food. 

Other good sources of prebiotics in the study were bran cereal, asparagus, and black eyed peas (also called cowpeas), offering about 50-60 milligrams per gram. 

Finding common ingredients with a prebiotic boost could help people improve gut health by eating more of foods they’re already familiar with, according to Cassandra Boyd, presenting author of the study and a master’s student at San José State University.

5 Mediterranean diet salad recipes that are filling and delicious, by a dietitian (msn.com)

10 of the best things to eat for lunch on the Mediterranean diet (msn.com)

“Eating in a way to promote microbiome wellness while eating more fiber may be more attainable and accessible than you think,” Boyd said in a press release.

The USDA dietary guidelines recommend about eating about 14 grams of fiber per day for every 1,000 calories you consume, but don’t suggest a specific amount of prebiotics for optimal health. 

The current advice from scientists who specialize in the microbiome is to aim for about 5 grams of prebiotics per day — you’d need to eat the equivalent of about half a small onion each day, according to the researchers. 

Don’t start chomping on raw onions or garlic just yet, though. The study also found that common prepared versions of these foods, like onion rings, are also a good source of prebiotics.  Why people should drink apple cider vinegar daily.

The gut microbiome is crucial for healthy digestion, metabolism, and overall well being 

Getting more pre- and probiotics in your diet can help keep the bacteria in your gut balanced and healthy, which can reduce the risk of serious illnesses like bowel cancer. 

Eating for a healthy gut can also help you have better digestion and more steady energy throughout the day, thanks to stable blood sugar, dietitians previously told Insider.

Healthy microbes may also be useful for weight management, with evidence suggesting certain bacteria in the gut are linked to lower risk of obesity and related complications. 

There’s even some evidence that the gut microbiome plays an important role in mental health, and could someday play a role in helping treat conditions like depression and anxiety.    Scientists have identified 5 of the healthiest foods for your gut — and some are probably already in your kitchen (msn.com)

Cancer Rates Are low When Butyrate levels are high – Search (bing.com)


Revealed: The 21 ultra-processed foods you need to avoid (msn.com)

50 Jaw droppingly Toxic Food Ingredients & Artificial Additives to Avoid – Search (bing.com)

There have been great advances in food preparation in the last century. These days, well over half of the foods that we can buy in a typical supermarket are pre packaged or prepared. They need either no or minimal preparation before being ready to eat. However, there is a dark side to this convenience. Most of the foods on our shelves also contain chemicals and additives that are known to harm either the human body or laboratory animals. If they harm animals, they can harm you too. 

Most of the ingredients that you should avoid fall into one of three areas: food additives, artificial sweeteners and artificial colors.  More and more experts are agreeing that it is wise to try to avoid as many chemicals in your foods as possible. By shopping in mostly the produce, dairy and meat sections of your grocery store, you can avoid many of the harmful food additives listed below. 

However, all of us need to be on our guard, because some of these ingredients also are used in meats, dairy products and even produce. What does this have to do with Public health? The health of our country is determined by the things we consume. This ultimately adds massive costs to our healthcare system as more and more people experience disease from eating processed foods and additives.

Certainly! Here’s a summary of toxic food ingredients and artificial additives that are recommended to avoid:

Food Additives to Avoid:

  1. Sodium nitrate: Often added to processed meats, it has been linked to cancer.
  2. Sulfites: Can cause breathing difficulties in sensitive individuals.
  3. Azodicarbonamide (ADA): Used in bagels and buns, it can cause asthma.
  4. Potassium bromate: Added to breads, it’s linked to cancer.
  5. Propyl gallate: Found in fat-containing products, it’s linked to cancer.
  6. BHA/BHT: Preservatives that may lead to cancerous tumor growth.
  7. Propylene glycol: Commonly found in dairy products and salad dressings1.

Artificial Sweeteners to Avoid:

  1. Saccharin: A carcinogen that has been found to cause bladder cancer in rats.
  2. Aspartame: An excitotoxin that may be a carcinogen and cause headaches and dizziness1.

Artificial Colors to Avoid:

  1. Red 3, Red 40, Yellow 5, Yellow 6, Blue 1, Blue 2, and Green 3: These can affect development and cause behavioral difficulties in children2.

It’s important to note that while some of these additives are recognized as safe by the FDA, there are growing concerns about their safety if consumed in large quantities. It’s wise to try to avoid as many chemicals in your foods as possible, and shopping mostly in the produce, dairy, and meat sections of your grocery store can help you do that1.

For a more comprehensive list, you might want to check out resources like the Environmental Working Group’s “Dirty Dozen Guide to Food Chemicals” which highlights some of the worst offenders on the market2. Remember, being informed and cautious about what you consume can contribute to better health and well-being.

The devastating health effects of eating too much junk are well known by now. But when it comes to so-called ‘ultra-processed food,’ not all types are created equal. A landmark study published this week found there are seven categories that are considered the most detrimental for your health.

Some of them were probably not a surprise – soda, microwave meals and brightly-colored candy. Others may have been more of a shock: white bread, breakfast bars and ketchup. The reason, says the study, is that these seven food groups have multiple more stages of processing, which adds more synthetic ingredients that have little nutritional benefit and can cause harmful effects in the body.

They also contain more artificial ingredients like colorings and dyes, which have been linked to conditions like hyperactivity and cancer . DailyMail.com has picked several of the most popular foods from these categories to create a startling graphic warning of the most high-risk foods. The latest study was on 100,000 Americans. It lasted over 30 years.

‘We observed strong positive associations between ultra-processed food and mortality outcomes,’ the researchers wrote in the study, published Wednesday in the British Journal of Medicine . The team found that people who ate the most servings of ultra-processed foods – about seven per day – were four percent more likely to die from any cause than those who stuck to three daily servings.

Additionally, they were nine percent more likely to die from neurodegenerative diseases like dementia, Parkinson’s, ALS, and Huntington’s disease. In particular, the biggest culprits were processed meats like deli meat and jerky, dairy-based desserts like ice cream, and convenient breakfast foods like precooked sausage and Pop-Tarts.

The researchers also warned against chips, condiments, snack cakes, and even some breads. Popular chips like Cheetos, Doritos, and Ruffles, for example, get their bright orange coloring from dyes like Yellow 5, Yellow 6, and red 40. Diet Sundrop Soda is also a culprit for containing yellow dyes. States like California , New York, New Jersey , and Missouri have tried to put these dyes on the chopping block because they contain benzidine, a known carcinogen. According to the FDA , ingestion of free benzidine raises the cancer risk to just under the ‘concern’ threshold, or one cancer in 1 million people. The colors are not banned outright in the EU, nor are they banned in the US. But unlike in the US, European authorities must include a warning label that details the risks associated with the dyes.

They have been theorized to exacerbate attentional problems in children, leading EU regulators to mandate that product makers say dyes could cause ‘an adverse effect on activity and attention in children.’ Those who love Twinkies and cereals like Cap’n Crunch will also take in a dose of yellow 5 and 6. Meanwhile, the researchers also flagged processed meats like Oscar Mayer sliced turkey and ham, Hillshire Farm dried salami, and Slim Jims. That’s because these contain nitrates, compounds made from nitrogen and oxygen atoms. 


When eaten, nitrates can undergo a reaction that turns them into a substance called N-nitroso chemicals (NOCs). These can damage the cells that line the bowel, the organ that processes your food, which, in turn, can lead to the development of cancer. Several studies have shown a link between them and certain cancers like breast and prostate cancer, and a recent report from the World Health Organization declared processed meat a ‘class one carcinogen,’ which places it alongside smoking and drinking.

The researchers also flagged condiments and dressings, many of which like Heinz Tomato Ketchup contain high-fructose corn syrup. Many experts have said that this artificial sugar is responsible for America’s obesity epidemic . This is because it has been linked to blood sugar spikes, issues controlling appetite, and increased calorie intake. Other sauces and condiments like Sweet Baby Ray’s Original BBQ Sauce and Walmart ‘s Great Value Maple Syrup also have high-fructose corn syrup on their ingredient labels. Additionally, a bottle of Coca-Cola is also teeming with it. Meanwhile, dairy-based desserts and certain breads, as well as breakfast picks like Pop-Tarts, also increased the risk of death. These are laden with emulsifiers, synthetic compounds that help hold ingredients like oil and water together.

Some evidence has suggested that eating foods with emulsifiers can lead to adverse health consequences. A Spanish study in mice, for instance, looked at the emulsifiers carboxymethylcellulose and polysorbate-80, which are found in thousands of microwave meals, butters, and ice creams. A group of pregnant female mice were given water containing one percent emulsifiers, the maximum allowed by the FDA . Usually, anywhere from 0.25 percent to 0.8 percent is added to food. The team found that the mice’s offspring experienced unintentional weight loss and anxious behaviors at 10 weeks old.

Additionally, male mice were more likely to have weight loss, while females experienced anxiety more often. This is because the emulsifiers disturbed neural connections in the hypothalamus, a brain structure that acts as the body’s control center. The hypothalamus produces leptin, a hormone that makes the body expend more energy, leading to weight loss. And a large French study of 100,000 adults published in The Lancet earlier this month suggested that continued exposure to emulsifiers raised the risk of type 2 diabetes . Additionally, packaged desserts and sweets like Little Debbie’s Zebra Cakes and Teddy Grahams list cornstarch in their ingredients. This is usually used to thicken soups, stews, sauces, and desserts, and hold certain fillings together.

According to the USDA, cornstarch has a high glycemic index, meaning that it can raise blood sugar. Over time, repeated blood sugar spikes have been shown to lead to diabetes and obesity. It’s also a refined carb. One 2020 analysis found that a diet rich in refined carbs was linked to a greater risk of heart disease, obesity, and high blood pressure. However, the BMJ researchers noted that not all ultra-processed foods should be cut out. 

Dr Mingyang Song, lead study author and an associate professor of clinical epidemiology and nutrition at Harvard’s TH Chan School of Public Health, told CNN : ‘Cereals, whole grain breads, for example, they are also considered ultra processed food, but they contain various beneficial nutrients like fiber, vitamins and minerals.’ ‘On the other hand, I do think people should try to avoid or limit the consumption of certain ultra processed foods, such as processed meat, sugar-sweetened beverages and also potentially artificially sweetened beverages.’

What Is Type 3 Diabetes? | Watch (msn.com)

While most of us are familiar with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, you may not have come across the term ‘type 3c diabetes’ before.  

Type 3 diabetes is a term that has emerged in medical research, and it’s often associated with Alzheimer’s disease. It’s not officially recognized by major health organizations like the American Diabetes Association, but it refers to the hypothesis that Alzheimer’s could be a form of diabetes that affects the brain. This concept stems from observations that patients with Alzheimer’s often exhibit insulin resistance and insulin-like growth factor (IGF) dysfunction in their brain cells12.

The idea is that just as type 2 diabetes can cause insulin resistance in the body, there might be a similar mechanism occurring in the brain that leads to Alzheimer’s, which is why some researchers have proposed calling it type 3 diabetes2. However, it’s important to note that this is still a theory and more research is needed to fully understand the connection.

In summary, while type 3 diabetes is not an official medical diagnosis, it’s a term used in research to explore the potential link between insulin resistance in the brain and Alzheimer’s disease. For official purposes, diabetes is classified into type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes, with another category known as type 3c diabetes mellitus related to pancreatic conditions2.

Source: Revealed: The 21 ultra-processed foods you need to avoid (msn.com)

Revealed: The 21 ultra-processed foods you need to avoid – Search Images (bing.com)

Revealed: The 21 ultra-processed foods you need to avoid – Search Videos (bing.com)

21 Types of Food and Their Nutritional Properties – Nutrition Advance

21 Ultra-Processed Foods To Avoid + Healthier Alternatives To Eat (bensnaturalhealth.com)

Scientists have identified 5 of the healthiest foods for your gut — and some are probably already in your kitchen (msn.com)

A gastro dietitian eats 30 plants a week for a healthy gut microbiome. Here’s what she has for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. (msn.com)

This nutrient deficiency could be the culprit behind your brain fog, sluggishness, and lack of concentration (msn.com)

10 Foods To Avoid If You Have High Blood Pressure & 10 That Will Help Control It (msn.com)

These 10 Foods Will Spike Your Insulin But These 10 Will Keep it Under Control (msn.com)

These are the least healthy ultra processed foods, according to a new study (msn.com)

15 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Eat Green Beans Regularly (msn.com)

What Happens To Your Gut Health When You Eat Lots 0f Peanut Butter (msn.com)

10 Foods That Can Cause A Stroke & 10 Foods That Minimize The Risk (msn.com)

14 Foods Most of Us Eat Although We Know It’s Bad for Our Health (msn.com)

Try To Avoid These 21 Less Healthy Items From The Grocery Story (msn.com)

15 Foods You Can Eat As Much As You Want Without Getting Fat (msn.com)

These Are the 10 Healthiest Types of Bread You Should Be Eating (msn.com)

Surprisingly Healthy Junk Foods You Can Enjoy Guilt-Free (msn.com)

8 most unhealthy foods in the world we consume often (msn.com)

11 of The Unhealthiest Cereals on Grocery Store Shelves (msn.com)

20 Scientifically Proven Ways to Relieve Stress Quickly (msn.com)

10 Foods You’re Eating That Aren’t Really Healthy (msn.com)

10 Foods You Think Are Good For You But Aren’t (msn.com)

20 foods to avoid if you have high blood pressure (msn.com)

The Best Foods to Eat to Avoid Clogged Arteries (msn.com)

8 healthy processed foods that are safe to eat (msn.com)

17 of the Unhealthiest Cereals You Can Buy (msn.com)

The best foods to eat for a healthy stomach (msn.com)

The 75 Unhealthiest Foods on the Planet (msn.com)

20 Healthy Foods Most People Won’t Eat (msn.com)

Ways You can Improve Your Gut Health (msn.com)

The 10 Healthiest Store-Bought Breads (msn.com)

15 Healthiest Breads on Store Shelves (msn.com)

20 Of The World’s Unhealthiest Foods (msn.com)

The Best Foods for a Healthy Gut (msn.com)

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Grace De La Rosa

MUST READ LINK:  Transform Your Life with Grace

Grace was Born: May 11, 1967, and has over 35 years of experience in the health, wellness and fitness industry as an AFAA-certified fitness instructor, professional fitness/swimwear model, contributing fitness writer and NPC fitness and bikini competitor. Her evidence-based approach to holistic health and wellness includes weaving mindfulness in both movement and stillness meditation.

Grace was diagnosed at the age of 38 with Stage 3 colon cancer in 2005 and treated with a “chemo cocktail” called FOLFOX, a mix of several drugs plus steroids. Looks can be deceiving: she’s deemed permanently physically disabled due to the long-term side effects of chemo. This includes bone and joint degeneration as well as peripheral neuropathy (extensive nerve damage particularly to hands and feet).

After years of chronic pain, medical scares, complications, numerous surgeries and what seemed like never-ending doctor appointments, she decided that enough was enough.

By then, her daily pill box included up to 24 prescription and over the counter (OTC) medications–half of the pills supposedly counteracted the side effects from the other pills. With the help of her general physician, she titrated down and discontinued all but one of her medications. 

Today, Grace attributes her good health to the practice of mindful living, to include prayer and meditation; Taoist Tai Chi, a form of martial arts and moving meditation; non-violent communications; choosing more whole foods vs. processed; and maintaining healthy, meaningful relationships with family, friends, colleagues, acquaintances and yes, strangers–who are simply, in essence, potential friends.

In 2014, she created Be a Blue Buddy, a colon cancer awareness campaign with a mission to advocate for and support patients, survivors, and their support system (friends, family, caretakers, clergy). As a survivor wanting to give back to the community, Grace educates on the disease and shares her story to empower and inspire others, and to help save lives.

Be a Blue Buddy is not an organization, but rather a grassroots, personal call-to-action to educate the community about the disease through public speaking engagements, participating with other organizations, and connecting with the community through social media to help raise awareness of colon cancer, the importance of screening and early detection in support of survivors and their support team; to give hope to newly diagnosed patients; and to honor those who have died from this disease.

As a survivor, thriver and expert by experience of Stage 3(c) colon cancer, childhood trauma, molestation, rape, domestic abuse, suicide and PTSD, the after-effects of chemo and multiple surgeries as well as other life-challenging dynamics, Grace is an active steward of the community and a strong advocate for holistic wellness education, mental health, non-violence, alternative and integrative medicine and wellcare options.  She also advocates for local, state, national, global and multi-universal systemic transformations and paradigm shifts–from education, technology, home life and healthcare, to business, politics, social services, and justice.

Grace De La Rosa was born in Virginia and grew up in Atlantic Beach, FL–the eldest of four in a family where her parents are still happily married after 57 years. Her ethnic background is diverse: Filipina, Spanish, Hawaiian, Chinese, Norwegian, English and Sub-Saharan African. She’s a proud U.S. citizen and Born-Into the military lifestyle. Grace’s father retired from the Navy as an MS-1 Cook. Her former spouse was a Navy F/A-18 Hornet Strike Fighter jet pilot (think Blue Angels) and a P-3 pilot.

She strives for joyful learning and living by practicing a spiritual life of Mindful Living and is willing to step outside of her comfort zone to face her fears head-on. She’s experienced piloting a plane, snow skiing, scuba diving, skydiving, paintball wars, and traveling. She likes to soak in the culture’s history of traditions, arts, architecture and daily lifestyle–eating and sleeping as the locals do.

Grace enjoys the arts (e.g. music/theatre/live entertainment, museums, paintings, photos, architecture), literature, and botanical gardens. She’s a beach girl at heart and so appreciates in-tact seashells. Anything related to the sun, clouds, moon, stars, rainbows and other skyscapes capture her attention. Grace’s favorite splashes of color are bright citrus orange, turquoise blue and gold. A few of her favorite scents are from flowers such as magnolia, rose, gardenia, peony, plumeria, honeysuckle, jasmine and orange blossoms; aromatic wafts of food cooking in the kitchen; the ionic shift in the air just before rainfall; and the scent of a freshly mowed lawn.

Grace is a voracious researcher, quick learner, and a lover of life experiences. Her interests include health, wellness and spirituality on an individual, community and global scale to include *Social Services, Justice & Equanimity; Leadership; Cultural Diversity; Global Cohesiveness and CommUNITY; Childhood Trauma & Domestic Abuse/Neglect; Suicide Prevention; Giftedness; Extrasensory perception (ESP), Psi or psychic abilities (we all have them) and Mediumship; Homelessness; Corrections; Mental Health; Addiction (alcohol; substances; sex, food, money, etc.); Colon Cancer; Education; Policy Reformation; Feminism/Women’s Empowerment; Communication; Communications; the Media; Psychology, Spirituality; Alternative Health and WellCare Options; Neuroscience; Philosophy; Astrophysics; Quantum Physics; Cosmology; Consciousness and the Collective Consciousness; Biology; Science; Semiosis; Audiology; Multi-Dimensionality; Biodiversity; and the Ethical and Moral Implications of Super Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Grace has traveled and lived around the world, including the Philippines, Japan, Spain, Guam, California, Australia and Greece–where she left her heart in Oia-Santorini. She has two adult children.After having moved from South Carolina, Hawaii and Maryland, Grace is happy to be back home in Jacksonville, FL.

Grace De La Rosa – Psychic Abilities, Cancer & Energy Healing | Nathan Crane Podcast 25 (youtube.com)

In today’s video, we sat down with Grace De La Rosa. Grace De La Rosa is the CEO and Founder of Living with Grace, LLC. She is a Holistic Wellness Consultant, Public Speaker, Educator and Philosopher in Jacksonville, FL. As a Survivor and Thriver of Stage 3(c) Colon Cancer, Childhood Trauma, Domestic Violence, PTSD and Suicide, she advocates for mental health, holistic wellness education, non-violence, contemplative practices, and alternative and integrative well-care options through speaking engagements, seminars, classes, podcast interviews, summits and panel discussions.

Grace provides Holistic Wellness, Mindfulness, Meditation and Spiritual Teachings through presentations, seminars, workshops and retreats in private or group sessions. She creates customized systemic programs for a smoother workflow, plans speaker’s events and retreats, and provides spiritual readings and healings as a Psychic Evidential Medium, Channel, Master Energy Healer, Mystic and Prophet.

She also provides professional content as a TV/Video/Radio/Virtual Spokesperson, Voice-Over Talent, Artist, Calligrapher, Writer, Poet and Pianist.Your host, Nathan Crane, is a Certified Holistic Cancer Coach, Best-Selling Author, Inspirational Speaker, Cancer-Health Researcher and Educator, and 20X Award Winning Documentary Filmmaker with Over 15 Years in the Health Field. Today’s podcast is focused on talking about psychic abilities, healing, cancer and much more. Visit The Nathan Crane Podcast on YouTube to watch the full podcast!

Grace De La Rosa is the CEO and Founder of Living with Grace, LLC and serves as a Holistic Wellness Consultant, Spiritual Advisor, Public Speaker, Educator and Philosopher in Jacksonville, FL.  She provides Holistic Wellness, Mindfulness, Meditation and Spiritual education through speaking engagements, presentations, seminars, panel discussions, workshops, breakout sessions, retreats and private, one-on-one sessions.  Grace organizes and facilitates speaking events and retreats, and scouts experts and professionals as guest speakers and panelist members. She is a healing artist, calligrapher, writer and healing improv pianist, and enjoys taking photographs of flora and fauna as well as the skyscape. 

Grace can also communicate with energies in physical and non-physical form and provides Psychic Evidential Mediumship readings, Channeling, Energy Healings, and Medical and Mental Health Intuitive sessions for humans (ages 10+) and pets/animals.Grace has personal, executive and state-level experience in business, education and mental health and provides invaluable insight, creative ideas and solutions for corporations and other businesses big and small for healthy growth and development. She creates customized programs for a smoother workflow, and organizes, facilitates and leads team-building events and retreats. Grace graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications and TV Broadcasting with a minor in Psychology from the University of North Florida.

She has over 40 years of experience and extensive self-studies in the health, wellness and fitness industry as a former AFAA-certified group fitness instructor, NPC fitness competitor and as a health-conscious consumer. The knowledge from her claircognizance and divine downloads are affirmed by her studies and training. Inspired by her studies as a Certified Reiki Master Teacher, she developed, created and uses the Frequential Resonation Energetic Transmission (FRET) technique. She is trained in a variety of mental health and wellness techniques including Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), Mental Health First Aid (MHFA), eCPR, QPR, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), and Polyvagal Informed Somatic Technique.

Grace De La Rosawhite-light, spiritual awakening experience was so powerful and profound that she considered leaving everyday life to live a monastic life 

as a Zen Buddhist monk. She was blessed with the experience of transitioning through the process of death along with a glimpse of the types of service work assigned by the Divine as part of her spiritual awakening to share with the living. Given her Divinely blessed mystical and prophetic gifts, including the ability to communicate within and throughout the Spiritual Dimension and beyond, she chose to embrace her spiritual gifts in Love and Light as a Spiritual Advisor to help others awaken from who they think they are to who they are meant to be, to learn the Truth of Eternal Life Everlasting. 

Each week on “The Jacksonville Buzz, Adrienne Houghton sits down with some of the brightest and most entertaining guests you can find on the First Coast to discuss what’s buzzing in the Bold City.

In this episode Adrienne talks with Grace De La Rosa from Living with Grace.

Check out @ “The Jacksonville Buzz” with Grace De La Rosa from Living with Grace (iwantabuzz.com)

The mission of Living with Grace is to provide mindfulness for Executives, Organizations and Individuals.

Grace speaks on all things related to Holistic Wellness: The body, mind and soul.

Here’s What Happens When You Surround Yourself With Toxic People (msn.com)

17 Life Lessons from the Bible That Actually Make Sense Today (msn.com)

15 Bad Things That Happen When You’re Too Nice (msn.com)

To learn more, check out Grace’s website @ http://livingwithgrace.net


#AdrienneHoughton #buzzmedia

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He Sold Out Was Paid For

WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, WEST VIRGINIA – : U.S. Speaker of the House Rep. Mike Johnson

BRADLEY JAYE — Getty Images.

Johnson Vows to Protect Jack Smith Hours After Democrats Save His Speakership.

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) wasted little time after 163 Democrats voted to save his speakership to announce he would not use Congress’s constitutional power of the purse to stop special counsel Jack Smith’s “lawfare” against Donald Trump. The Speaker, in some of his earliest public comments after Democrats saved his gavel, refused to make any attempt to defund Smith’s office as it continues its prosecutions of Trump.

“That’s not something you wave a wand and just eliminate the special counsel as a provision,” Johnson told Politico. “There is a necessity for a function like that, because sometimes the Department of Justice — which is an executive branch agency — can’t necessarily, without a conflict of interest, investigate or prosecute the president who’s their boss, or the president’s family.”

Explain why Trump is backing Johnson. I don’t get it. Here is Greene, as you say, stepping up taking the burden off his shoulders and he is against the measure and supporting the guy who supports the guy prosecuting him. Earlier I blasted the right for not listening to him.

Is Donald Trump a freemason? – Search (bing.com)

There is no verified information that confirms Donald Trump is a Freemason. 

While there have been U.S. presidents in the past who were known to be Freemasons, the most recent being Gerald R. Ford, the 38th president1, Donald Trump’s name does not appear on any official lists of known Freemason presidents1Additionally, claims about Donald Trump being a Freemason are not supported by concrete evidence2. It’s important to rely on credible sources when seeking information about such affiliations. If you’re interested in the history of Freemason U.S. presidents or the organization itself, there are many resources available that can provide accurate information.

The Last 10 Freemason U.S. Presidents – Soapboxie

When asked straightforwardly if he would write language eliminating Smith’s job into appropriations bills, Johnson replied “no.”


I am An Independent Thinker

Who Loves America with All My Heart. 🇺🇲 ❤️🤍💙

We Can Stand Against Tyranny Together! VOTE No More Rinos! MAGA! 💫

The term “RINO,” which stands for “Republican-In-Name-Only,” is a political label used by some within the Republican Party to describe party members who are perceived to be insufficiently conservative or too moderate. It’s important to note that the term is highly subjective and can vary based on individual perspectives within the party.

The use of the term has increased in recent years, particularly with the influence of former President Donald Trump, who has applied it to various members of the party. For example, the term was notably used against Republicans who voted to impeach Trump after the January 6th Capitol riot 1.

It’s also worth mentioning that the term “RINO” has been employed in political discourse for over a century, but its meaning and application have evolved over time. Today, it is often used in primary campaigns and political rhetoric to challenge the conservative credentials of certain Republican officeholders 2.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) disdainfully pointed out Johnson’s statement on X, writing, “Mike Johnson when asked if he will stop the witch hunt that aims to throw President Trump in jail FOR LIFE!”

Greene and Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY), who partnered to pull the trigger Wednesday night forcing a vote to eject Johnson after weeks pressuring him to end his coalition government with Democrats, had been pressuring Johnson to put up a fight against Democrats with spending bills and other must-pass legislation, such as the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) reauthorization, currently being considered.

Wednesday afternoon, Johnson, who had already surrendered leverage on the FAA bill to the Senate, unexpectedly scheduled a vote on a one-week FAA extension that would give Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) more time to finalize a package before the Friday night deadline. Johnson then canceled House votes for the remainder of the week, giving his members a long weekend while Schumer and his Senate continued preparations to once again jam the House.

Greene and Massie forced a motion to vacate the vote hours later to let voters know where their representatives stood. The tally was revealing.

With a small but firm opposition to Johnson inside his own party, his speakership would be in jeopardy if Democrats revoked their support.

Trump earlier in the week signaled his support for defunding Smith. He signed a printout of a Greene statement about her defund strategy, writing “Great!” in his iconic magic marker.

Moments after Democrats saved Johnson’s speakership Wednesday night, Trump weighed in, suggesting the time was not right for ousting Johnson — although the time may come. “We’re not in a position of voting on a Motion to Vacate,” he said. “At some point, we may very well be, but this is not the time.”

He’s much more than a weasel, Johnson is a liar and a traitor!!

He is compromised. MTG was right and all you RINO republicans will be replaced. Johnson is a RINO. He lacks the backbone to be a speaker. Thank you MTG for exposing another weak kneed liberal suck ass. Almost from the beginning I warned all of you about Smirking Judas and his “Conservative Christian” schtick more slickly scripted and choreographed than a Broadway musical number but your “itching ears” would not listen. Stop being fooled by degenerate REPUGLICAN trash…..who wrap themselves in flags and the cross to deceive you.

  • Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia
  • Patrick Tommey of Pennsylvania
  • Bill Cassidy of Louisiana
  • Susan Collins of Maine
  • John Cornyn of Texas
  • Marco Rubio Florida
  • Chuck Grassley of Iowa
  • John Kennedy of Louisiana
  • Mitch McConnell of Kentucky
  • Jerry Moran of Kansas
  • Lisa Murkowski of Alaska
  • Mitt Romney of Utah
  • Mike Rounds of South Dakota
  • Dan Sullivan of Alaska
  • John Thune of South Dakota
  • Thom Tillis of North Carolina
  • Roger Wicker of Mississippi
  • Todd Young of Indiana.
  • Steve Daines of Montana
  • Rand Paul of Kentucky is Libertarian


Johnson is another gutless traitor who has to be jettisoned ASAP.


Probably because he knows the MR. TRUMP is going to lose on his own.

So, Why the HELL would he vow to protect him?


Johnson is the biggest loser and traitor to this Republic. He has to go!

Someone close to Trump might oughta ask him how it’s working out so far after he ran cover for Johnson. Is Johnson a specious plant by the uniparty playing both sides. Heard also that the RNC which got new leadership with Lara Trump, has hired back many of the old RNC employees they fired just a few months ago? The RNC was full of weasels like Johnson.

Why hire these idiots back? The fix is in!

Seriously. What happened to Johnson? Who is pulling his strings? He’s supposed to be religious right? So I guess he’d better start getting used to the heat.

At least he can be with his Democrat friends in Hell. But yet he stays, and the damage continues. 

Trump has people in his inner circle – again – that are operatives working toward his demise just like Mike Johnson is! Johnson is kicking himself with how much he can get away with by siding with Democrats. Allowing the demons of the Biden administration to prosecute Trump for bogus non-crimes is no problem for Johnson because he’s not the one being illegally prosecuted. All principals are long gone.


Just a power joyride now.

He has shown his true colour.

He is the stooge of the Demoncrat.

He is a spy for the Dems. Will do everything to ensure Trump is defeated.

The devil incarnate who hide behind the

What is wrong with the Republican Party?! We are doomed!

He’s terrible and should be gone but I have two questions for MTG: 1. Why didn’t you vote to oust McCarthy too? He’s no better than Johnson. 2. Why bring MTV to the floor knowing you didn’t have the votes?

Now he knows he’s untouchable and will probably go further off the rails.

Republicans are avoiding any controversy going into the election. If Johnson came out and said I’m shutting down jack smith it would start a whirlwind of shit with the fake news and democrats saying Johnson is interfering in the Trump special concealment case. Yes I know it’s bullshit but jack smith’s hoax investigation is in the shitter. The Supreme Court still hasn’t ruled on the doc’s case either.

So why get involved at this point let jack smith crash and burn on his own. Lastly if Trumps gets through all the hoax trials on his own he won’t owe shit to anybody in the swamp. Think about that. Let it soak in. Navarro and Bannon threw themselves into the mix over stupidity and Navarro is in jail not being able to help if Bannon goes to jail he can’t help Trump/MAGA

Be afraid, be very afraid leftists civil war is coming. Your country is collapsing right in front of you. They demoKKKrats are getting the steal ready, these evil bastards will do anything for power. Did Gaetz betray with ousting McCarthy to usher in this traitor.. this is an extremely elaborate and evil plan .. not some week trip itinerary.. trust no one, 🚨SHOCK REPORT: Democrats Grant Illegal Aliens Congressional Representation. House Democrats Vote UNANIMOUSLY to Give Illegal Aliens Representation in Congress

SHOCK REPORT: This is the MOST TREASONOUS Act I’ve Ever Seen From Congress! (youtube.com)


The new Judas . Speaker McCarthy was also owned by the Democrats.

Judas Iscariot was one of the original Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ. He is most infamously known for betraying Jesus to the Sanhedrin in the Garden of Gethsemane.

This act of betrayal was marked by Judas identifying Jesus with a kiss to the crowd who had come to arrest him. The canonical gospels of the New Testament describe Judas’s betrayal as being motivated by avarice, as he received thirty pieces of silver in exchange for his betrayal. However, the Gospel of Luke and the Gospel of John suggest that his actions were influenced by Satan entering into him.

The death of Judas is subject to varying accounts. The Gospel of Matthew describes that Judas felt remorse after seeing Jesus condemned to death, attempted to return the silver he had been paid, and then hanged himself. Meanwhile, the Book of Acts describes that Judas acquired a field with the money and died after falling there, leading to his bowels gushing out.

Judas’s role in the betrayal of Jesus.

Has made his name synonymous with treachery and betrayal in Western culture.

His story has been the subject of much analysis, interpretation, and speculation throughout Christian history, and he remains a controversial figure. Some texts, such as the Gnostic Gospel of Judas, portray his actions as being done in obedience to Jesus’s own instructions, suggesting a more complex character than simply that of a traitor12.


Johnson is an utter disgrace and disappointment.

He has turned his back on the principles of God, and he KNOWS it. Coward.

This guy has to be removed! He is a Sure & Real Danger to DJT! Hours, mere hours, later he is scheming with the Dems to “protect’ JACK THE SNAKE! …… I am very angry! I will not transgress The LORD’s Path. HOWEVER, we must needs raise up to protect at a much higher level, prayers and presence, PROTECTION OF Mr. TRUMP 

McCarthy just hid it better than Johnson.

All that is happening in the Well of The House is a McCarthy-backed Plan. McCarthy is much smarter than Johnson. McCarthy vowed revenge on the America First Members. Or, maybe in the subject line how’s it feel when you bend over by the Marxist Uni-Party?

It’s obvious that Johnson is being PLAYED by his new Democrat GOONS because he’s that WEAK, SPINELESS and PATHETIC. HE truly believes he’s made it INTO the mafia INNER CIRCLE. BUT in REALITY he’s only their FALL GUY who will end up HANGING in some obscure hotel room somewhere with a phoney SUICIDE NOTE. The IDIOT is too STUPID to figure out that he has a TARGET on his back that his new buddies got him to paint on by himself. He’s their pet fish in a very small barrel.

Or better yet, picture of Trump with a thumbs up with the quote Trump says Johnson, “he is doing a very good job,” “MTG understands that” and “has a lot of respect for the speaker.” MTG was right and vindicated. I agree with the thought of voting for Trump and skipping the “republican candidate, but it’s getting harder to vote for Trump with some of the people he’s supporting.

This is who Mike Johnson is & who he was. It wasn’t faced when he was ridiculously given the “good man” moniker after his vote for the unlimited debt bill & then he was carelessly given even more power(to “put the speaker’s race behind us’: how’d that work out?) & it still isn’t being faced even after his multiple lies about no CRs & his votes over & over against his constituents & the rest of us.

If Elise”Bannon’s bulldog” Stefanik or Steve “table the vote” Scalise gets pushed next, both of whom vote w/ Johnson every time, then you know the gaslighting has begun…again…Bro…Trump supports Mike Johnson! Seriously, I don’t think I can continue supporting Trump. I don’t care if Trump makes dumb decisions for himself. I do care if they impact the country and clearly Trump can’t be trusted to surround himself with patriots to save it!


Johnson is a piece of crap, worse than a sheep in bible clothing.

He is a traitor to President Trump and this country.

It’s all about power, the democrats are running the house with johnson as their figurehead. Speaker in title only. All senators and congressmen who have been in office for 3 terms or more should be removed, unless they can prove otherwise. Presidents only have two terms.

I don’t think this is what our founders intended for our Republic. Congressman and Senators starting their first term as paupers and ending up millionaires on their way out.

I wonder how that happens. Mr. Bible man Johnson turned out just as I suspected, a fake, the dead giveaway was when he was voted in unanimously, it was all planned by both parties. They’re all putting on a show, don’t fall for it, wake up. The wicked always align themselves with the wicked. Always.

The Breitbart headline says it all. The US Congress does NOT work for the American People. Think about this… …

Republican In Name Only Speaker Johnson: just saved by the Democrat Party: vows to protect the lawless, and corrupt Jack Smith.

Johnson announced he would not use Congress’s constitutional power of the purse to stop special counsel Jack Smith’s “lawfare” against Donald Trump.

Johnson refused to make any attempt to defund Smith’s office as it continues its prosecutions of Trump. Political impotent eunuch!

President Trump, as soon as this stupid trial is over in New York and it results in either your acquittal or mistrial via a hung jury, please pull the trigger on Johnson and give the thumbs up sign to slit his throat, politically not figuratively, and PUSH HIM OUT!!! HE JUST STABBED YOU IN THE BACK WITH THESE STATEMENTS AND MUST FACE A POLITICAL EXECUTION!!! 

MTG called Johnson out for what he is.

Now Johnson is striking back and won’t lift a finger to help Trump or the American people. Johnson now has a position of power and joins the ranks of the ruling class and his actions show the common man be damned. I think we need to be more clear about the definition of “good man.” I certainly don’t think it applies to a traitor, liar and backstabber like Mike Johnson. Is anyone still doubting Johnson is working for the enemy at this point?

Hope Louisiana patriots will vote him out in Nov.!

If you are not fighting the corruption, you are part of the corruption @RepMikeJohnson

With the protection of demos, there is no way you can remove MJ as a speaker. Then Republicans need to find out what the Democrats have on Johnson and out him themselves. Hope is on Louisiana voters. Louisiana voters in Mike Johnson’s district, vote this spineless RINO out.

This is not going to end well for Mr Johnson, hope he has a plan B for a career.

Being a total sellout has a short shelf life, and he is starting to stink already.

The DemonCrats in Congress and The Senate, Surely Laugh At Their Puppet and Proxy Speaker Johnson … Can you imagine Pelosi acting like this – She was Ruthless and Effective. Johnson is Weak and Ineffective For the Party He Represents ….. However , He is very effective for the DemonCrats . Trump doesn’t have a chance of getting anything done if he is elected!! Our government needs to be torn down and replaced with patriotic leaders who are willing to sacrifice for our nation!! Not get rich liars and thieves!!

Mike Johnson is a disgrace to the Republican Party and, as a citizen born in Shreveport, Louisiana, I was profoundly proud when you were elected Speaker of the House.

But once again, you became a turncoat to the American people and the Constitution you represent.Thank God for the Supreme Court Justices, once again reminding us of the importance of our three branches of government, two of which have undermined everything this country was founded on approximately 350 years ago. Julie Kelly deserves such adoration for disclosing the criminal conspiracy against a presidential candidate under the Biden/Obama regime. Bringing control back to the American people and the integrity of our election process is imperative to the survival of what’s left of our democracy.

But they better have someone else to take over the Speakership or we’re just going to get another bought off RINO. I knew that Johnson was a disaster from Day 0ne when all the RINOs voted unanimously for him. These people are easy to judge. I’m saying this MTG thing is 100% for show because she’s trying to repair the bridges, she burned with MAGA when she was McCarthy’s head cheerleader. 

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Limbic System Rewire

  What is the Limbic System – Search Videos (bing.com)

When the best “functional medicine” doctors couldn’t help me, I was forced to turn my healing over to Jesus… The crazy thing is how mold, EMF, and chemicals don’t even phase me anymore!

I figured this out the hard way when I was hit with over 18 health challenges after being exposed to toxic mold. I had to quit my nursing job and went to dozens of doctors searching for the answer.

I eventually became a functional health coach so I could run my own labs on myself and truly get to the answer.

And I practiced what I preached.

I avoided all kinds of places because of my sensitivities. I tried and errored with over a dozen diets, hundreds of supplements, and dozens of labs. I obsessed over my symptoms and how I felt with certain foods.

It got to the point where I was only able to tolerate 2 foods because of severe sensitivities.

This led me to being very underweight. My doctors constantly asked me if I had an eating disorder which always brought me to tears. I couldn’t sleep. I had zero energy and pretty bad brain fog. I even had gut pain and constipation.

I was diagnosed with mold illness, CIRS, SIBO, parasites, Lyme, and the list goes on.

Then.. God led me to brain rewiring and neuroplasticity.

I knew this was the answer when I saw more results in 2 weeks than I had seen in years of following the old rules. So, I went all in and started to fully implement my discovery.

I completely gave up supplements, labs, and internet searches about my symptoms.

And I saved a ton of money… A TON!

After a lot of hard work implementing brain rewiring along with consistent bible reading and prayer, I saw a massive transformation with my health and life.

Week after week, my symptoms started to disappear.. For good! I changed at a heart level for Christ.

About a year later… My life looks completely different.

I can now eat whatever I want without any restrictions. I gained the much needed 25 pounds back. I can travel and go where I want. I sleep like a baby. I have energy and focus. I can run miles and lift heavy weights.

The most important part: My nephews & niece have their aunt back. My husband has his wife back. And I have my life back. I am happier than I’ve ever been and I’m forever grateful.

So Now We Want To Show You How It Works, 

Starting on May 6th we’re doing a free 10-day live challenge! You can sign up here below..

Space is limited, so grab your spot here: https://www.limbicsystemrewire.com/registerBrooklyn & Nick Hanna Brain Rewiring Coaches

Brooklyn is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, Cognitive Behavioral Coach, and Registered Nurse who specializes in brain retraining. Brooklyn got hit with over 18 symptoms such as severe brain fog, fatigue, insomnia, constipation, and anxiety

She saw dozens of natural and conventional doctors and got diagnosed with lyme, mold illness, SIBO, chronic fatigue syndrome, autoimmunity, hormone imbalances, mast cell activation syndrome and more.

She restricted her diet and tried to address many toxicities and infections with a variety of protocols. After all of this, she still had tons of symptoms and had to remain on a very restricted diet. At one point, she was only eating 2 foods and was socially isolated due to all of the environmental sensitivities.

She then discovered brain retraining and saw more results in 2 weeks than she saw throughout the years of supplement protocols, restricted diets and endless lab tests. She knew this was the answer and went all in with it! 

She stopped all supplements and within 6 months her life was completely different.

She’s now able to eat whatever she wants without a spike of symptoms.

She can run miles and lift heavy weights. 

She doesn’t have to rely on any supplement or medications and lives a life free of restrictions.

Nick is a Certified Christian Life Coach who also specializes in brain retraining. Nick has been alongside her for the journey. He’s seen neuroplasticity work miracles and finally has his wife back! Brooklyn taught Nick all of the neuroplasticity tools she learned, and is now coaching alongside her.


You’re In The Right Place If…

You Are Still Have Multiple Symptoms After Trying Many Different Supplement Protocols

You Have At Least One Chronic (Long Term) Symptom Such As Brain Fog, Sensitivities, Fatigue, Digestive Problems, Insomnia, Anxiety, Etc.

You Have To Be On A Strict Diet To Feel Better.

You Are Sensitive To Light, Sound, Food, Supplements, Mold, Emf, Chemicals, Etc.

You Want To Deepen Your Relationship With Christ.

You Are Interested In Transforming Your Health Mentally/Emotionally, Spiritually, And Physically.

Limbic System Rewire youtube – Search (bing.com)


Limbic System Rewire on Facebook

Ever felt like you’re running on a never-ending treadmill, chasing after health and happiness but somehow always finding yourself back at square one? It’s like you’re stuck in a chronic fight-or-flight mode, with every cell in your body on high alert, making peace and well-being seem like distant dreams.

This prayer for trusting in God’s perfect timing is a heart-to-heart conversation with our Heavenly Father. It’s a reminder that in the whirlwind of our struggles—be it health, relationships, or finances—we’re invited to lean not on our own understanding but to surrender our plans, our pains, and yes, even our health, into His loving hands. 🙏✨

Proverbs 3:5-6 whispers the secret to navigating life’s turbulent waters: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

Proverbs 3:5-6 encourages us to trust in the Lord with all our heart and rely on His wisdom, power, and goodness1It reminds us that God is in control and will lead us through difficult seasons if we follow Him2The passage emphasizes remembering God and obeying His commands34Trusting God’s sovereignty allows us to find comfort even in unpredictable circumstances5.

Proverbs 3:5-6 is a deeply insightful passage that has been the subject of much commentary. Here’s a summary of various interpretations:

Each commentary brings out different facets of the passage, reflecting on how trusting in God’s wisdom and guidance can lead to a fulfilling and righteous life. If you’re looking for a more detailed analysis, I can provide a summary of specific commentaries or explore the themes further.

Learn more

1 biblehub.com   2 biblegateway.com  3  https://enduringword.com/

This isn’t just beautifully poetic; it’s practical. It’s about shifting our focus from the trials to the one who holds the victory over every trial. But how do we truly surrender, especially when our bodies and minds are caught in a relentless storm of stress and sensitivities? The answer might surprise you: Neuroplasticity and brain rewiring.

In our upcoming Fatigue and Sensitivity Relief Challenge, we dive deep into the science of neuroplasticity—how you can LITERALLY rewire your brain to transition out of the chronic fight or flight response, unlocking relief from chronic symptoms and sensitivities. It’s about pairing faith with science, trusting God while actively participating in the renewal of our minds, as Romans 12:2 encourages us.

This Challenge might just be the answer you’ve been praying for. Learn to trust in God’s timing while empowering yourself with knowledge and strategies to heal, body, mind, and spirit.

Feeling called to explore how faith and neuroplasticity can transform your life?

Comment “Heal” below for more information on The Fatigue and Sensitivity Relief Challenge.

Let’s embark on this journey of healing and hope together.

It’s startling, isn’t it? 

How skillfully the enemy can weave distractions, deception, and division into our daily lives, pulling us away from the peace and purpose God has for us. John 10:10 warns us of the thief whose only intent is to steal, kill, and destroy our joy, our time, and our focus on what truly matters.

Distraction is the enemy’s first ploy. He delights in stealing our time with God, making us believe that we’re too busy, too tired, or too preoccupied with the world’s noise to engage with the Word. Remember, every moment lost to scrolling through our phones or succumbing to the day’s busyness is a moment stolen from deepening our relationship with Christ.

Deception comes next, whispering lies about our worth, our capabilities, and the source of true happiness. The enemy wants us to believe that joy can be found in material possessions, status, or earthly pleasures. But joy, real joy, comes from Christ alone. When God calls us to step out in faith, the enemy tries to convince us we’re not good enough, not ready, or incapable. It’s time we stop comparing and start stepping out in the confidence God gives us.

Lastly, division—Satan’s strategy to isolate us through anger, bitterness, or misunderstandings. Ephesians 4:31-32 urges us to let go of malice, to be kind, tenderhearted, and forgiving. Remember, the enemy thrives in the rifts between us, pushing us toward isolation instead of unity in Christ.

So, what do we do?

1. Recognize the enemy’s tactics in your life. Awareness is the first step to change.
2. Pray daily for strength, for God to reveal and rebuke these distractions, deceptions, and divisions.
3. Actively choose to redirect your thoughts and actions towards positivity. 

4. Swap the morning scroll for scripture, halt the negative talk, embrace the calling God has placed on your life with boldness.

Ready to reclaim your joy and purpose in Christ? 

Tired of letting the enemy have a foothold in your life? 

Comment “strength” below and let’s walk in victory together. 

Have you ever considered how the sins we overlook can directly impact our stress levels and overall health?

It’s a truth we often bypass: the seemingly minor sins can tie us down in a relentless cycle of fight, flight, or freeze,

exacerbating our chronic symptoms and sensitivities.

Let’s talk about some of the common yet underestimated sins:

1. Drunkenness: Ephesians 5:18 warns us against being drunk with wine, leading to debauchery. Instead, we’re encouraged to be filled with the Spirit. This sin can cloud our judgment, disconnecting us from the Spirit’s guidance and fueling stress and health issues.

2. Lust and Envy: Matthew 5:28 highlights that even looking at someone with lust is akin to committing adultery in our hearts. Social media amplifies this sin, pushing us towards jealousy and comparison, which only feeds our stress response.

3. Gossip and Slander: Proverbs 10:18 reminds us that spreading slander is foolish. Speaking negatively about others not only harms them but also poisons our own hearts and minds, perpetuating stress and negativity within us.

4. Pride: James 4:6 tells us that God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Pride can isolate us, make us resistant to God’s guidance, and keep our stress levels high as we rely on our strength instead of His.

Addressing these sins and turning our hearts towards God can lead to a significant reduction in our chronic stress levels. It’s about recognizing these behaviors, bringing them into consciousness, and choosing to align more closely with Christ’s teachings.

If you’re ready to confront these hidden culprits and seek peace, comment “Peace” below. Let’s embark on this journey of self-awareness and healing together. Continuing our reflection on sins that fuel our stress response from our last post, it’s vital to understand that healing begins with turning away from these behaviors and embracing humility, love, and forgiveness.

Let’s explore a few more sins that subtly undermine our health:

1. Anger: Holding onto anger, as warned in Psalm 37:8, only leads to evil. While it’s natural to feel angry, acting on these feelings without thought can harm our relationships and increase our stress. Learning to respond with grace and patience is key.

2. Idolatry: When we place anything above God—be it our health, job, or even relationships—we’re engaging in idolatry. This misplacement of priorities can lead to an endless chase for fulfillment, leaving us stressed and disconnected from God’s peace.

3. Fear and Lying: Fear, often stemming from not trusting in God’s plan, can immobilize us and escalate our stress response. Similarly, lying, even about the smallest things, creates a web of stress and guilt. Embracing truth and faith is liberating and healing.

By consciously working to eliminate these sins from our lives and realigning our actions with God’s will, we not only improve our spiritual health but also our physical well-being. The chronic stress response begins to fade as we find peace in God’s presence and promises.

If you’re committed to this transformative journey of shedding these sins for a healthier, more peaceful life, comment “Transform” below. Together, let’s support one another in living out the true freedom Christ offers us.

Is it really possible that sin is creating the chronic health Challenges we’re obsessed with overcoming?

Have you ever paused to reflect on James 4:11?

James 4:11 is a verse from the New Testament of the Bible that addresses the issue of speaking against one another and judging others. It reads:

“Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge.”

This verse emphasizes the importance of refraining from slander and judgmental attitudes towards others. It suggests that when we speak against others or judge them, we are not only speaking against our fellow human beings but also against God’s law. The verse calls for humility and obedience to the law rather than assuming the role of a judge, which is reserved for God alone1.

The broader context of James 4 deals with conflicts and disputes among people, and this particular verse serves as a reminder to focus on self-examination and submission to God’s authority rather than criticizing or judging others2. It’s a call to live in harmony and peace with one another, aligning our actions with God’s commandments.

It’s like a divine whisper reminding us, “Brothers and sisters, do not slander one another.” Because when we throw shade or judge our brothers and sisters, we’re not just hurting them; we’re actually going against God’s law itself.

It’s pretty clear, right? But here’s something you might not have considered: when we hold onto judgments and grudges, we’re not just straying from God’s word; we could be stirring up a storm in our own bodies.

Imagine this: each time we let resentment fester or pass judgment, it’s like sending a signal to our limbic system (yeah, that part of the brain responsible for our emotional life) saying, “Hey, let’s kick things up a notch.” And not in a good way. This can lead to limbic system dysfunction, triggering chronic sensitivities and a host of health issues.

Who knew that holding a grudge could literally make us sick?

So, what’s the game plan? It’s about embracing forgiveness, not just as an act of spiritual obedience but as a radical act of self-care. Forgiveness allows us to release that toxic build-up of negativity and make space for healing, both spiritually and physically.

Let’s start a movement of healing and grace. If you’re ready to drop the judgments, to forgive and heal not just your heart but potentially your body too, shout out ‘Healing’ in the comments. Let’s break free from the chains of judgment and step into a life of freedom and wellness, as God intended.

 Limbic System – Search Videos (bing.com)  often referred to as the “paleomammalian cortex,” is a complex set of brain structures located beneath the cerebral cortex, and largely within the forebrain. It supports a variety of functions, including:

  • Emotion: It’s involved in the processing of emotions due to its connections with the hypothalamus.
  • Behavior: It influences behavior and motivation, often through its interaction with the endocrine system and body’s response to smells.
  • Long-term memory: The hippocampus, a key component of the limbic system, is crucial for the formation of long-term memories.
  • Olfaction: The sense of smell is closely linked with the limbic system, which is why certain smells can trigger strong memories or emotions.

The primary components of the limbic system include the amygdala, hippocampus, thalamus, hypothalamus, basal ganglia, and cingulate gyrus12. These structures work together to process and regulate emotions, memory, and certain aspects of behavior.

It’s interesting to note that the limbic system is considered one of the older parts of the human brain in evolutionary terms, indicating its fundamental role in basic emotional and motivational processes2.

Learn more


#sensitivity relief #fatigue relief #limbic system retraining #rewire your brain

#brain retraining #chronic illness awareness #chronic fatigue

#rewireyourbrain #guidedByFaith #brainretraining #shiftyourfocus #TransformativeHealing #fatiguerelief #BelieveInHim

Religious Beliefs That Science Has Debunked (But People Still Cling To) (msn.com)

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Is Reality Really Reality

A great portion of the world has been living believing in a mirage as reality

Something that appears to be a reality but is not actually real. 

What the human race for so long has equated to be reality is their physical existence. 

Can we perceive reality?

Alison George

I don’t know about you, but I feel that I have a perfectly good perception of reality. Inside my head is a vivid depiction of the world around me, replete with sounds, smells, colour and objects. So it is rather unsettling to discover this might all be a fabrication. Some researchers even contend that the live-stream movie in my head bears no resemblance whatsoever to reality.

In some senses, it is obvious that subjective experience isn’t the whole story. Humans, unlike bees, don’t normally see ultraviolet light; we can’t sense Earth’s magnetic field, unlike turtles, worms and wolves; are deaf to high and low pitch noises that other animals can hear; and have a relatively weak sense of smell.

“Everybody knows that we don’t see all of reality.

 I say we see none of it”

On top of this, our brain presents us with only a snapshot. If our senses took in every detail, we would be overwhelmed. Did you notice the last time you blinked, or that fleshy protuberance called your nose that is always in your peripheral vision? No, because your brain edits them out. “A lot of what our senses are doing is something like data compression: simplifying, in order to be able to function,” says Mazviita Chirimuuta at the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania.

In fact, most of what you “see” is an illusion. Our eyes aren’t all-seeing, but capture fleeting glimpses of the outside world between rapid movements called saccades. During these, we are effectively blind because the brain doesn’t process the information that comes in when they happen. If you doubt this, stare into your own eyes in a… You’re touching on a profound topic about perception and reality. The quote you mentioned suggests a philosophical view that our perception of reality is limited or even nonexistent. Indeed, our brains filter and process the vast amount of information we encounter, presenting us with a manageable version of reality. This selective attention helps us focus on what’s important and prevents sensory overload.

As for the unnoticed details like blinking or the fleeting moment that was cut off in your message, these are often overlooked because they’re automatic processes or because our attention is directed elsewhere. It’s a fascinating aspect of human cognition that we continuously adapt to our environment by focusing on certain stimuli while ignoring others to better navigate our world.

 If you’re interested, I can delve deeper into the cognitive science behind perception and attention. Would you like that?

I don’t know about you, but I feel that I have a perfectly good perception of reality.

Inside my head is a vivid depiction of the world around me, replete with sounds, smells, color and objects. So it is rather unsettling to discover this might all be a fabrication. Some researchers even contend that the live-stream movie in my head bears no resemblance whatsoever to reality.

In some senses, it is obvious that subjective experience isn’t the whole story. Humans, unlike bees, don’t normally see ultraviolet light; we can’t sense Earth’s magnetic field, unlike turtles, worms and wolves; are deaf to high and low pitch noises that other animals can hear; and have a relatively weak sense of smell.

“Reality” is constructed by your brain. Here’s what that means, and why it matters.

What the science of visual illusions can teach us about our polarized world.

The neuroscience of optical illusions, explained – Vox


Have you noticed repeating patterns in the conflicts or challenges that arise in your life? 

ethericyogini's profile picture

Dear Younger Me | MercyMe – YouTube
There are certain parts of this Earth that hold an extra special energy..

Much like Sedona Arizona Redrock Country in the United States of America
Lake Atitlan in Guatemala is one of those extra special, very sacred places. 🌋

I’ve experienced such deep revelations, catalysts and transformations in the lands of Atitlán-which is a native Mayan word meaning:

“The place where the rainbow gets its colors” 🌈

And this name is no coincidence, the energy of this land will illuminate your colors too. ✨

Journeying to these kinds of spiritual vortexes will ALWAYS catalyze transformation in your life, in some way or another. And when we journey into these lands with intention,

Mother Earth meets our intention with a divine force of magic & support. 🌎

We’re heading back to this sacred Mayan heartland for the journey of a lifetime in October for a week of connection, exploration, spiritual expansion and liberation.

Practice: Yoga, Kundalini, Qi Gong, Breathwork, Vocal Activations & Meditations

that teach you how to harness and channel your own energy in a powerful way. 🙏🏼

Learn: The ancient understandings of Ayurveda that provide a profound elemental understanding of your unique body type,

 providing you with tools to maintain harmony & balance in your body through lifestyle & diet. 🌿

Experience: Connection to nature in the beautiful herbal sanctuary of Casa Curativa, crafting your own herbal medicine from plants picked straight off the land, a sunrise hike over Lake Atitlán,

and so much more. 🌋

If you’re feeling the call in your heart, I invite you to say yes and lean in to letting

the greater force of your heart’s wisdom lead the way. 💚

That’s because the universe is trying to show you something ✨

Your soul signed up to learn these lessons and heal the karmic patterns of your lineage

Can you look into the eyes of those who challenge & frustrate you and

see their soul beyond the veil of their human vessel? 💫

The truth is, those who challenge and trigger you most in life are your master teachers.

There was a time that you made a pact to help each other learn

the hard lessons in this Earth school experience 🌎

The effect of the human dream state causes us to forget what we signed up for when we decided to incarnate on Earth

We get caught in an illusion state of feeling like we are a victim to the challenges & conflicts we experience

But make no mistake, the challenges you face are divinely designed for your soul’s growth and healing

And you chose this for yourself 

At any moment you can wake up & look through a new lens

So, you don’t have to repeat the cycle again 

Seek the lesson
Receive the message
Change the pattern

When you pray for something, the how and the when is not up to you

When we pray for alignment, that may come to us in the form of things,

people and occupations falling away

When we call in or pray for a vision to become reality,

the divine will orchestrate the manifestation in ways you cannot predict

When you are manifesting a vision, it is vital to recognize that all moving pieces are supporting that vision coming to life

Even when you don’t quite understand the why.

Because it is not your job to control the how and the when

Your only responsibility is to trust, and listen for the messages and the lessons along the way

When things fall away you can certainly trust that it is the divine force of dissemblance clearing your path of anything that is not in harmony

with the vision you have been calling in. 🪷

Take a little journey back in time with me… 

Someone out there once said that if you don’t look back at younger versions of yourself and cringe a little bit then you’re not growing

Today I’m reflecting on the younger versions of me who created the woman I am today. 🌹

And while there are definitely parts of those past versions of me that I could cringe at.. 😅

Like the 22 year old me that subconsciously used yoga as a way of elating my ego through advanced poses & the status of being a teacher…

Or the 20-year-old me that continuously repeated self-sabotaging patterns even though she knew things needed to change…

Today- 27-year-old me holds ALL of those past versions of me with so much love and reverence because she learned from those mistakes & made me who I am today. 🤍

Some of you have been following my page from the beginning and have seen this journey of evolution from a festi girl on an adventure to a spiritual woman on a mission.

What a JOURNEY it has been 

So, here’s a little look at my journey,

and all the versions of me that shaped me into who I am today.

When we love & honor the past versions of ourselves we can draw upon

the wisdom from their experiences & mistakes with strength. 🙏🏼

This is the way of the Sovereign Woman. 🌹

My 1:1 Sovereign Reclamation mentorship is open. 

If you desire to dig deeper into healing trauma imprints from childhood, rewiring subconscious patterns and reclaiming your birth-right to freedom, this is for you. 🤍

Have you ever had one of those experiences of extreme contrast that shows you how much you’ve changed?

Like revisiting an old friend, seeing them in the same exact place as they were years ago, and feeling the stark contrast of how much you’ve changed while they have stayed exactly the same?

Yesterday I made a spontaneous trip to go see an artist play at a festival, which I rarely do anymore since stepping fully into a conscious path of purpose these last 4 years.

And I had such a profound experience just feeling the contrast between who I am now, and who I once was.

I looked all around me at people numbing & disassociating on party drugs, and I remembered how that used to be me

And while I had an amazing time seeing one of my favorite artists, what that experience gave me more than anything was an opportunity to feel the contrast.

Where I used to look around and see people numbing with drugs and escaping their reality

Now I look around and see a nurturing community of people who honor heart centered presence, awareness and wellbeing

And it reminded me how our environment influences who we are!

There was a time in my life where I was still that festi girl, but something inside of me was changing. My body was screaming for better.

And I knew that I had to let go of those old pieces of me to make room for new ways to blossom.

There was a period of time that I had to spend in solitude.

Letting go, of the parts of me that no longer aligned with who I wanted to become. 🥀

And as I was changing, I started putting myself in environments with people who lived in a way that was more aligned with who I wanted to be.

The people & activities we fill our lives with can either hold us back,

or empower us to blossom…🪷

Put yourself in spaces with people who inspire you to grow, to flourish into the greatest version of you.

This is why I love retreats- we all come together CHOOSING to grow, and the energy we all bring empowers that intention greater than we ever could alone. 🙏🏼

Join me next for a deep soul metamorphosis in Guatemala,

and immerse yourself in a space of transformation. 🌹 

Join us next in Guatemala this coming October

for The Sacred Rebirth 🤍🤍🤍

etheric yogini

Navigating this is the challenge of being a living, thinking person. 

But simply acknowledging it and trying to put it into practice is a good place to start. 

I know I will try to keep remembering that reality always seems real. 

Even when I mess it up.

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Fix A Broken Metabolism

If you have ever struggled with losing weight, you have probably heard about speeding up your metabolism, the dangers of slowing it down, and finally damaging or breaking your metabolism. This information might be confusing and overwhelming.

All you want to do is lose some weight but what if you are hurting yourself instead? Is it possible to break your metabolism? 

And if you can, how do you fix a broken metabolism?

How To FIX Your Broken Metabolism (youtube.com)

Thomas Seyfried: Cancer As A Metabolic Disease challenges the conventional belief that cancer is primarily a genetic disease. Instead, Seyfried argues that cancer is best defined as a mitochondrial metabolic disease, emphasizing the role of cellular metabolism in its development and progression1

This perspective challenges the prevailing dogma and has implications for cancer research and treatment protocols2. We’re going to learn what exactly your metabolism is, whether it can be broken, how you can fix it, what a healthy metabolism feels like, and why it’s important to your overall health.   

What Is Metabolism?

Metabolism is how your body converts what you eat and drink into energy, or fuel. If you want a more technical definition, metabolism is all the chemical processes your body does to stay alive.

It’s a complicated process that does not always run perfectly.

It changes based on how you eat, drink, and move.  

What Is A Broken Metabolism?

A broken metabolism is a bit of a misnomer. You cannot permanently break your metabolism, because it must work for you to function. But you can damage your metabolism by altering how your body reacts to food and exercise.

Your body wants to adapt to changes in eating or exercise because it wants to maintain its current state. If you have crashed dieted or exercised excessively in the past, you have changed your metabolism enough that it could be referred to as damaged, broken, or underperforming.

Why? Because your metabolism is not working at its optimal state.

A broken metabolism often manifests itself as a handful of unrelated illnesses or feelings that are easily ignored as other maladies.

People often experience irritability, exhaustion, or insomnia, which are often attributed to depression, which is also a key sign of your metabolism not working properly.

This is usually not permanent; if you take the steps to identify what you are doing wrong, fixing your metabolism can be quite easy.  

Metabolic Damage And Weight Gain Controversy

There is controversy about whether weight gain is caused by a broken metabolism. Our bodies are all unique. Food, exercise, and environment will affect each person differently. As we age, we move less. This has nothing to do with our bodies’ natural metabolic process.

Instead, how we treat our bodies’ seems to have a bigger effect on consistent weight gain. If you do not consistently make healthy food and exercise choices, you will either gain weight or stop losing.

Part of the problem of weight gain or plateaus in a diet regimen is that once your metabolism adapts to your adjusted calorie intake, it begins to store more fat in a process called homeostasis.

Yo-yo dieting and fad diets often lead to more weight gain later on down the line, as we’ve all experienced. And that weight then becomes even harder to lose than it was the first ten times.  

How Your Body Actually Burns Energy (And The Concept Energy In vs. Energy Out)

Your body must use energy (calories) to keep you alive.

In simple terms, energy in is the food you take in, though it is a little more complicated. Not all calories are created equal, and unfortunately there are hidden calories in our food.

There is a little known fact that the labels can easily be off by approximately 25%.

(Take a look here to learn more about the hidden calorie conundrum.)

Then there is the additional complication of our body’s ability to absorb the nutrients we consume, and the way it absorbs certain types of foods such as cooked vs. raw foods, and of course last but not least, the various types of bacteria in our digestive tract plays a part as well.

While energy out combines, both physical exertion, which includes exercise frequency, and the type and intensity of the workout, as well as standard bodily motion. This involves the complex variations of the following:

  • RMR or resting metabolic rate
  • TEE or thermic effect of eating
  • NEAT or non-exercise activity thermogenesis
  • PA or physical activity

The number of calories burned to keep you alive is your resting metabolic rate, or RMR. It’s the bare minimum of calories needed for you to breathe and digest nutrients.

Your resting metabolic rate is basically set by your genetics and there isn’t much you can do to change this. The thermic effect of eating is a simple method of eating food that takes more energy or work for your body to digest and process the nutrients.

You also burn calories by moving around daily. This is called NEAT or non-exercise activity thermogenesis.

Your non-exercise activity is a combination of your every day movement that you don’t put much thought into such as fidgeting, or walking up the stairs, or from one room to another, you are moving, but you are not doing strenuous exercises.

There is one more way to burn energy that you’re all familiar with – exercise.

(We’ll talk more about this later.) In short, physical activity refers to your actual efforts at exercise.

Your body gets the energy to perform RMR, NEAT, and other processes from two sources – the calories (energy) you take in and those stored in your body (aka fat).

Now that we know more about metabolism and its effect on our bodies, let’s look at ways we can speed up your metabolism to burn more fat and lose weight. 

Ways To Fix Broken Metabolism

Putting your metabolism on the right track is not a one-way street. There are things you can do to “repair the damage” if you will, however there are other things that you just have to STOP doing in order to get there.

Here’s a list of both:   

1. Speeding Up Your Metabolism (Eat Less Exercise More Is BAD Strategy)

Many people assume the best way to lose weight is to drastically cut calories and exercise extensively. They think this will jump start their metabolism and burn more calories.

This is not a good way to lose weight.

The key to resetting your metabolism long term is not simply eating less and exercising more, because this causes your body to adjust and slow down energy use to vital organs. Instead it’s about balance, or moderation.

Making sure that the food you eat is what your body needs for fuel, and not storage.

If you cut your calories too low and begin to eat less without your body absorbing the necessary nutrients, your body will go into storage mode faster and it will think it is entering a period of starvation. It will then hang on to the calories you take in, instead of burning them.

This leads to fat storage, because your body thinks it will need it for energy at a later time. Your body wants to survive. If it thinks it is threatened, it will do what it takes to keep everything the same!

This can lead to your body absorbing more calories, though not the nutrients, you eating more calories, and your body adjusting your resting metabolic rate, and your non-exercise activity thermogenesis.   

2. Variations And Carb Cycling

Regularly changing your diet can trick your body into letting go of stored fat. If you’ve ever heard of carb cycling, you might be familiar with this idea. Carb cycling is an advanced diet regimen that helps with balancing your ketones so that you continue to burn fat.

The most common approach is to maintain a level intake of fats and proteins while adjusting the carbohydrate intake.

Instead of eating the same number of calories and macronutrients every day, you change it every 2-3 days. For example, you begin by eating low carb foods for 2-3 days in a row. Then you eat high carb foods for an entire day.

Repeat this cycle every 3-4 days. You can change the ratio of high to low carb days, depending on your weight and exercise goals.

By changing up your eating habits, your body cannot adapt to any one pattern.

The periodic carb reloads also reassure your body that there is no starvation happening, so it does not need to hang onto extra calories for later use.

On high carb days it’s also recommended to do heavier weight lifting/muscle toning exercises or resistance training at the gym to balance the higher carbs in and the higher physical activity.

When you are doing a carb cycle, it is important to keep a close eye on the ketones your body may be producing. Ketones in your urine are an indicator that your body is burning fat, because there are not longer any available carbohydrates to burn for energy.

When this happens your body will go into conservation mode, and begin limiting the energy it extends to vital parts of your body. For maximum weight loss your ketone level should always be around 1.5 – 3 mmol/L which is known as optimal ketosis.

Anything below or above that range is considered light, moderate or too high, and it is not desired.

3. Can You Reset Your Metabolism By Fasting?

Fasting can also help reset your metabolism. When you deprive your body of food, it decreases insulin and glycogen production. These are your body’s first choice of fuel, so it will be forced to use back up fuel, stored fat.

This teaches your body to use fat instead of only storing it away for a rainy day.

Remember, your body desperately wants that energy, so fasting is most effective in short doses. Otherwise, you’ll be back to starvation mode and unnecessary fat production and storage.

You can fast for as little as 18 hours and still benefit from the decrease in insulin production.

According to WebMD, fasting for the sake of fasting, will do nothing to cleanse you or “detox” you, and it doesn’t help with long term weight goals.

There is just no scientific evidence to back up the claims many fad diets and “detox” programs promise.

Long term fasting actually does quite the opposite, it slows your metabolism, instead of speeding it up, and if you are not careful, this can have negative side effects to your kidneys or liver. For anyone not familiar with intermittent fasting it’s about taking little breaks from eating, which can do great things for your body.

Dr. Mindy Pelz is a world-renowned women’s health expert on a mission to Empower women to Believe in their Bodies! Her high-profile clients include entertainer LeAnn Rimes, former race car driver Danica Patrick and popular influencer Jesse Itzler.

She is a bestselling author of Fast Like a Girl (top-selling release of 2023 from Hay House Publishing) and The Menopause Reset. Her podcast, “The Resitter Podcast,” is ranked within Apple’s top 20 category of leading U.S. science podcasts, and routinely features top guests including LeAnn Rimes, Danica Patrick, Lisa Bilyeu, Miesha Tate, Cynthia Thurlow, Sheri Salata, Dr. Rangan Chatterjee, Max Lugavere, and many others. She holds a BS degree from the University of Kansas and a Doctor of Chiropractic degree.

How long are these breaks? People usually eat in an eight-hour window and skip food for 16 hours. If that works for you, great. But I find it works better for men than women, says Dr. Mindy Pelz YouTube – Search (bing.com) has been seen by 79 million views.

This makes sense when you consider men’s bodies are governed largely by one hormone, Tester one. “For women though it is a symphony of hormones,” to create an optimal harmony and restore metabolic health as we age. 

Different hormones require different strategies and that’s why Dr Pelz created fast cycling.  5-1-1 cycling is 5 days on a comfortable fast, one day pushing yourself and one day not fast. One a comfortable day you get a 10 hour eating window. Such as 10 am until 8 pm and a strict day 12 noon until 7 pm. Dr. Pelz says even beginners along with seasoned faster who’ve hit a plateau get great results incorporating the easy form of cycling.

Bonus: many say frequent switch-ups are fun and make healthy fasting more of a game.

Fast cyclers get more of the benefit linked to traditional forms of fasting. For example, giving yourself more breaks gives your body “free time” and  a chance to heal cellular damage that can lead to more blood sugar control, accelerated belly fat storage and type 2 diabetes — an issue that’s all too common as levels of estrogen decline. Improving blood sugar is a common goal of easier fasters, says Dr. Pelz.  Meanwhile, the no fast day helps optimize progesterone, a hormone important for proper thyroid function.

Dr. Pelz includes no fast days and also reduces belly fattening stress hormones. The role of longer fasting is to help the body to adapt and get stronger. Plus longer fasting helps the body stay in autophagy longer — a metabolic state that helps the body survive and thrive during periods of scarcity. Basically during fasting our body burns bacteria, viruses, waste, and even entire dysfunctional cells as emergency fuel. “Cells emerge rejuvenated or completely replaced with entire new cells, says Dr. Pelz.

 You’re basically making your aging cells young again and younger cells do everything better. So metabolism immunity and brain function becomes updated once again. Dr Pelz states you can see benefits by eating junk food, however, you see greater transformation and benefits  by eating natural alternatives versus highly processed fare. She is also a big fan of varying carb intake to 50 grams a day during a shorter fasting period (to help speed improvements to blood sugar and sugar metabolism) and about 150 grams on all other days ( to boost progesterone and prevent stress.)

In one study, women in their 60s using Dr. Pelz’s eating principles saw dramatic improvements in hunger, cravings and blood sugar. They also slimmed down 3.6 times faster than the group that got the same exact calories as the one’s not fasting.

Adds Dr Pelz, “traditional diets tend to make your metabolism worse which sets you up for great weight gain after you come back off them. Intermittent fasting actually helps your body’s metabolism to heal, so it stays lean and healthy.

Try it and see how it will make your menopause years the best years of your life.

Real World Experience: When Nancy Marston first heard about intermittent fasting, she gradually began shrinking her eating hour window. It eventually got to the point I was content eating one big meal a day. I lost 50 pounds in 3 years, shares the 73 year old Oregon retiree. Then I listen to Dr. Pelz on youtube. At that point I still had arthritis, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. So I figured why not changing things up might be a difference maker. Then I changed the lengths of my fast and quickly learned the longer the fast the more energy I had if I didn’t fast. 

Gradually Ms Marston limited sugar, cleared out processed foods and added more variety to her meals. The effect was extremely healing to her metabolism. 

She dropped 58 pounds in about 5 years, plus her joint pain was drastically reduced, her blood pressure was normal and she came off her cholesterol medicine.

“I am deep into menopause and my hair is thicker, nails grow like never before, ”

Nancy says, “when you use intermittent fasting designed for women, great things happen. Learn More: in fasting for a Girl on Dr.MindyPelz.com – Search (bing.com)

4. Processed vs. Unprocessed Foods

Eating whole, unprocessed foods will also increase your metabolism. If you eat lots of processed foods, then you are making digestion too easy on your body.

Your body does not have to work as hard to convert processed foods to energy or fat because it is already processed.

When you eat unprocessed foods, you use more energy just to break the food down. This is called the Thermic Effect of Eating or Thermic Effect of Food. Amazingly, you burn more calories just by eating, thereby increasing your metabolism.

Eating more natural and unprocessed foods is also a key factor in balancing your body’s regulation of carbohydrates and fat. Green vegetables and salads are highly thermic meaning that your body burns more calories as it is digesting these foods.

The problem with processed foods such as ready to eat or packaged meals like TV dinners, boxed or bagged meals, chips and cookies are the hidden ingredients, or the quality of ingredients.

Things to avoid or eat minimally:

  • Trans Fats
  • Saturated Fats
  • Hydrogenated Oils
  • BHT
  • Polysorbate 80
  • Refined Grains
  • Sugar
  • Natural Flavors
  • Food Dyes 
  • Processed Foods 

5. Watch For the Types of Calories You Are Eating (Good vs. Bad Calories)

There is no such thing as a good calorie vs. a bad calorie per say, more of a useful food for nutrients and energy, and those considered to have no purpose, these are referred to as empty calories. Examples of foods with little to no nutritional value are:

  • Sugars
  • High Fructose Corn Syrup
  • Alcohol
  • Fruit Juices
  • Bacon
  • Margarine
  • White Bread
  • American Cheese

Sugar is a common ingredient in most processed foods, and is often found in high quantities in things you would commonly find healthy such as fruit juices.

Processed foods like bacon, margarine, American cheese and white breads hold more calories than nutritional values, consisting mostly of filler ingredients. Processed meats are especially a concern for those trying to be heart healthy.

If you eat 1500 calories a day of healthy, whole foods, instead of 1500 calories of processed junk foods, you will see a major difference in your body. You need a variety of foods to properly fuel every cell in your body.

If you are deficient in one area, it will throw everything off, slowing your metabolism and your weight loss. Choose minimally processed foods that provide healthy protein, fat, and carbs.  

6. Lean Healthy Proteins (Go Beyond Chicken And Protein Powder)

Protein is necessary for developing and maintaining lean muscle. It is also more filling than carbohydrates, which will help you not overeat. If you suffer any type of injury, protein is necessary for quick and efficient healing.

You don’t have to saturate your diet with protein, but include it in each meal. A serving is about the size of your palm, so the amount of protein needed varies. Aim for at least five servings of protein a day, but increase this if you want to build large muscles.

Increasing your protein intake is a significant way to satisfy your body’s hunger, while feeling fuller faster and longer.

This helps you eat less not only at mealtime, but throughout the day as well. Meats that are high in lean proteins like chicken, fish or turkey are also highly thermic. You can find a list of protein-rich foods here.  

7. Increase Your Daily Servings Of Vegetables And Fruits (Boost Your Metabolism Naturally)

Eat lots of vegetables and some fruit. Vegetables are the best thing you can eat in large quantities. They provide just about every vitamin and mineral your body needs. The bulk of your carbohydrates (which we will discuss next) should come from veggies and fruit.

This will reduce your glycemic load, lowering insulin production, and forcing your body to rely on stored fat for fuel. Vegetables are also low in calories, so you can consume large quantities and not worry about weight gain.

The high fiber content in vegetables and fruits keeps the digestive system moving by cleaning the colon. The high fiber is also filling, and the low calories make it an ideal staple for your daily intake.

Vegetables are also a great source of vitamins and minerals, which keep you healthy enabling you to maintain your weight goals. Make sure you are eating whole fruits and not simply juices, as the whole fruit has more fiber and less sugar.

8. Carbs Are Necessary (But It’s The Quality That Counts)

Eat quality carbohydrates. A “good” carbohydrate is fruits, whole grains, beans, and vegetables. They digest and absorb slowly, preventing spikes or crashes in blood sugars, because of the amount of fiber that can also be found in these foods.

Ditch the pasta and bread and opt for healthy carbs like sweet potatoes, quinoa, and steel cut oats. You’ll find that the diet and fitness community is sharply divided on the subject of carbs. Look at your lifestyle and your body to decide on how many and what type of carbs to eat.

Some people thrive on very few carbs that come only from vegetables. Others rely on oats, quinoa, and beans to fuel their intense workouts.  

9. Increase Your Healthy Fat Intake (Aim For The Good Fats)

Find good fat. Yes, good fats do exist. Like protein, fat makes you full for longer. Starting your day with eggs and sausage will help you skip the mid-morning crash and desperate rush for lunch at 11 am.

Avocado oil, coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, and grass fed butter are all good fats for cooking. Avoid vegetables oils and moderate your animal fat intake.

If you are interested in eating a ketogenic diet, then fat will make up the bulk of your diet. You’ll force your body to use fat for energy and slowly replace the bad fat in your body with healthy fat and muscle.

Increasing healthy fats from Omega 3’s helps maintain a healthy heart.

Omega 3’s are found in fish oils, or fatty fishes such as salmon, tuna, striped bass or trout.

Nuts like almonds, walnuts, pecans and flaxseed are considered healthy fats.

They also have Omega 3’s though in smaller amounts.

Avocados that are firm, or just barely ripe, are cholesterol free, are loaded with vitamins C and E, potassium, and fiber, and are a great source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fat.   

10. Metabolism Supplements (And Why You Should Avoid Them)

Supplement with caution. Do not rely on supplements to fix your metabolism. Some can give you a little boost, but they will not cure you. If you can handle caffeine, include it in your diet to help burn a few extra calories.

It can also be used before workouts to increase your energy. Green tea or black coffee is a good source of caffeine.

Many pill supplements are not FDA approved, so do your research. Always read the labels. Make sure you know and understand what is going into your body.

The FDA regulates vitamins and dietary supplements but they consider them foods, and not medication, giving them a more lenient oversight. Most supplements do not have reliable evidence showing long-term benefits to their claims.

Some of these can be downright dangerous if you are not careful, because the FDA does not require supplement manufacturers to prove the safety of the product before sale, and are not required to tell you the side effects on the label.

Instead you should focus on supplements for improved overall health for your age, and dietary needs such as:

  • Fish Oil Supplements
  • Multivitamins

11. Increase Your Physical Activity (Get Fit YOUR Way)

Build muscle through exercise. Muscle burns more calories than fat. It will automatically boost your RMR, which means you are burning more calories by just breathing. Begin with body weight exercise or light weights.

Increase your weight and reps over time or you will not increase muscle mass. Don’t worry that you might bulk up. Most people can lift heavy weights and only build lean muscle. Start with a minimal regimen at first with low impact exercises, building your endurance slowly.

Walking helps build muscles and endurance without overextending yourself.

Focus on strength training to build muscle. If you choose to carb cycle, time your high carb days with heavy lifting sessions and workouts to maximize the benefits.  

12. Cardiovascular Training (Stop Dieting And Burn Stubborn Fat For GOOD)

Cardiovascular exercise is also important. You don’t have to become a runner (unless you want to). Instead, opt for walks, bike rides, and swimming. You also don’t need to stay on the treadmill for an hour. Thirty minutes every day is fine.

You can also combine strength training with cardio by doing high intensity interval training (HIIT). High Intensity Interval Training or HITT sessions are cardio conditioning sessions and should be done in short bursts.

Be careful of health issues, and consult a doctor before beginning a high intensity program.

These short sessions are designed to burn fat and increase calorie burn even after you finish your workout. You can do HIIT exercises 3-5 times a week, depending on your fitness level. Start with just 3 and then build your way up.

Remember, you need to rest to let your body recover. Which leads us to our last point.

13. Rest And Recovery (And Why It Is So Important)

Get plenty of rest. You may be tempted to constantly exercise, but your body has to rest in order to build muscle. Take days off. Focus on other things, like family, friends, or other hobbies.

Prioritize sleep.

Shoot for 8 hours or more a night. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body can’t regulate itself properly. You’ll also increase production of stress hormones, which will then increase fat storage.   


In the end, the key to a healthy lifestyle, losing weight, maintaining a healthy weight, or adjusting your metabolic rate is stability.

A consistent approach to what you eat, how you eat, and how much you eat are all important parts of the way you train your body to burn fat and build muscle instead of storing those nutrients for later.

Regular exercise or even just increased mobility is also an important part, as well as regulating your insulin, or sugar balance.

Remember, your body will always adjust to your eating and exercise habits in order to maintain its current state. If you find yourself stuck in a weight loss plateau, don’t despair. It is totally normal and does not mean your metabolism is broken beyond repair.

Be patient with yourself as you change up your current routine.

Try eating and exercising less for 2-3 weeks. Or, ramp up your gym time, but be sure to increase your food intake as well. With a healthy diet, consistent exercise, and patience, you can get your metabolism back on track and lose weight within a few weeks.

Managing a consistent sleep schedule, and low stress environment are also a key component to maintaining a healthy life.

At 117 The Oldest Living Person Shares Her 5 Keys For Living Longer & Healthier (youtube.com)


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